I miss you. I swear, I miss you. You’ll never understand how - TopicsExpress


I miss you. I swear, I miss you. You’ll never understand how much I miss you. I loved you. Only you. And forever it will remain you. I stuck around through all those memories. God I love you. Still to this day. I wish I hated you like so many times I’d swear I did, but I didn’t. I don’t. I couldn’t. And you knew it. I miss how no matter what I said or did you stayed. You didn’t change. Nothing broke our bond. I tried to replace you with other people, but let’s be honest, no one was like you. You felt so genuine and true and you cared beyond belief. You are probably the rain after every drought in my life and you remind me that I am beautiful, that I am capable of withstanding any storm, and you never fail to remind me that I am someone worth loving.You began stitching up old wounds and putting back the pieces of myself I never even knew were missing. You helped me fix myself without even realizing it and I will forever be indebted to you. You are the only person who ever truly and genuinely wanted to be my friend without the thought for something more, and for that I am truly grateful I met you.But It breaks my heart every time when I realize that you’re so far away and I will never be able to give you a hug.. I’m in love with you over and over again, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have,.Scary to think that my life will end one day that gonna stop me to think of you..I wont let go of you.. The way you make me feel is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. You make me feel like I’m dying and flying and living and that my heart just stopped beating but yet is pumping 90 mph all in one moment. You make me feel invincible but vulnerable. weak, but like nothing could ever bring me down. You make me feel like I’m free and yet trapped by your every move. You leave me breathless and yet are the only thing that keeps me still breathing. You control my every thought, movement, heart beat. You’ve got me, all of me.-----
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 11:10:47 +0000

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