I need to make a few things clear before everybody jumps to - TopicsExpress


I need to make a few things clear before everybody jumps to assumptions on what George posted . First off I AM the one who SUPPORTS Anthony . I AM the one who has Anthony 98% of the time. Im not sure what he posted but hey Im bout to defend myself since even ppl that I THOUGHT were my friends even turned their backs on me. Since DAY1 of me asking George to leave my house he HAS not help me SUPPORT Anthony or even TAKE Anthony the way he should. He would say Im not babysitting Anthony. Really 1 didnt know u could babysit ur OWN son. Since day1 Ive been the one BUSTING my ass at work allllllll weeeeeeeeeeek loooooooong to make sure Anthony has a PLACE TO LIVE, FOOD ON THE TABLE, AND CLOTHES ON HIS BACK. MEEEEEEEEE NOBODY ELSE BUT ME. Since George decided to go through my tablet and read ALLLLLLL my text messages he twisted what I said around to everybody, first off yes my mom DID say to spend time with Anthony. Maybe thats because shes the one watching him EVERYDAY so I can work 40 hours a week and I HARDLY get to Spend time with him because by the time Im off HES SLEEPING. My parents agreeded to taking Anthony 2 nights a week for me to have time to myself since GEORGE only wants Anthony allll day Monday and until 4 on weds. Tuesday,weds,thur-Sunday I HAVE ANTHONY. While George is out at sports games,his gfs house,Bww,deer park,& wherever else he goes. I offer and offer more time with him and Anthony and wanna know what he says its not my day or no . Funny thing is is dont post his screen shots that are on MY PHONE to anybody. Yet he basically steals my tablet and goes Through it and post MY BUSINESS. Ya know I fell off to a lot of ppl for almost 4 months because I had NO PHONE TO GET IN CONTACT WITH ANYBODY. I got screwed over on a 740$ verizon cellphone illll because George didnt wanna help me pay it. Something thats now on MY CREDIT. And my friends blame me for Fallin off ? Yet I would work until 10 /11 everyday and I would txt them they would be sleeping but its wrong of ME? I have ppl that see me EVERYDAY and EVERYDAYA they know exactly whats going on. They see what I do, where I go, who Im with, when Im with anthony, when I have Anthony & thats why Im not really worried.. Because the ppl that know arent the ones judging me. Ppl I thought were my friends r judging me without even attempting to ask me whats worn but now alllllll the sudden George is dad of the year to you alll? U do know he hasnt bought diapers or a basically anything since BEFORE a Anthony turned one right ? Yet Im a shitty bad mom? Like whaaaaat! Im a bad mom how because I go out 2-3 nights a week because my PARENTS take Anthony. I Do not have a father of my child that is there like HALF of u other moms with their dads or their dads actually help. I do it MYSELF. Ive called out of work for Anthony numerous times , I BUST MY ASSSSSSSSSSSSS FOR HIM& its sad that ppl I cared about turned their backs on me . But heeeey I shouldnt even b making this status because the ppl that matter truly know. But just so U ALLL know George isnt who hes playing out to be and more ten HALF of u should know this since he was alllllll up in ur inboxes & phones. Have a goooood day yalllllll
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:04:24 +0000

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