I noticed some other bloggers discussing about a Book called - - TopicsExpress


I noticed some other bloggers discussing about a Book called - THE CASE FOR INDIA - Will Durant - 1930. Even though i have not read this book myself, i would like to know if you have read this book.If so, what is your take on it ? Plz allow me to post some excerpts from this book. ********** This was not the destruction of a minor civilization produced by an inferior people. It ranks with the highest civilizations of history, and some would place it at the head and summit of all - like Keyserling.when the british cannons attacked.... the hindus surrendered at once lest one of the most beautiful creations of mankind be destroyed. Who, then, were the civilized people? (The Hindus or The English?) The British conquest of India was the destruction of a high civilization by a trading company utterly without scruple or principal, overrunning with fire, sword, bribery, murder a country temporarily disordered and helpless India was a far greater industrial and manufacturing nation than any in Europe or Asia, producing textile, Metal works, Jewelry, Precious Stones, Pottery, Architecture. She had great merchants, businessmen, ship building - nearly every kind of manufacture known to the civilized world was already in India The book describes in graphic detail the atrocities of the so-called civilized Britishers - The rape of a continent. The difference is that he has quoted numbers and figures; unassailable facts and laws that graphically illustrate the systematic destruction of all kinds of local enterprise. For example, produce was taxed at 50%; the documented fact that tax rates rates were the highest in India across the world; Sample this: The fundamental principle of the british has been to make the whole indian nation subservient... they have been taxed to the utmost limit; the indians have been denied every honor, dignity or office.... F J Shore testifying to the house of commons in 1857 Under their dependence on the british - Oudh and Karnatic, 2 of the noblest provinces in India, were plunged into a state of wretchedness with which no part of the Earth has anything to compare - Lt Col Brigs, 1830 The Governments assessment does not even leave enough food for the cultivator to feed his family - Sir William Hunter, 1875 The Rajahs had taxed the people much less severely than the british.... The national debt of India rose from $35,000,000 in 1792 to $3,500,000,000 in 1929. These figures tell the tale It examines how the economic fabric of the country was destroyed, how for example its textile trade was wrecked; its impact on the prosperity of the nation. It also examines the specious claims of education improvement - there were more schools in India before the advent of the civilized british(Gurukula); how the number of schools diminished and were discouraged.Tariffs of 80% on Indian products as opposed to zero tariffs on british imports; The result was that Manchester and Paisley flourished and Indian industries declined.Draining of wealth from what was one of the richest and most civilized regions of Earth. It looks at how local schools were destoyed by the british; it looks at british salaries and how the wealth from India went to England through salaries and pensions - quoting hard core numbers the british connection has made india more helpless... politically and economically... no jugglery of figures can explain away the evidence of the skeletons in many villages... I have no doubt that England and the towns of India will have to answer ... if there is a God above, for this crime against humanity which is perhaps unparalleled in history ********** Then it goes on to detail in horrific stomach-turning detail the atrocities: hindus to crawl on their bellies in the street; school-boys flogged in public; prisoners bound with ropes and kept in open trucks for 15 hours; poured lime on naked bodies; cut off electric supplies to hindu houses; airplanes to drop bombs on labourors; The perpetrator of this very civlized, decent, morally consistent, gentle behavior was retired on a pension; exonerated; public supporters- all civilized, no doubt - raised $150000 as support... there was not one bullet wound in the back - each bullet had struck home in the chest; not one Indian ran; there was passive submission in the highest forms of non-violence... The brutal, inhuman retaliation of the british, for which they would very likely have been hanged in their own country, made the passive resistance movement one of the bravest, most active forms of struggle - a struggle unlike any other anywhere on Earth. I felt my skin creep and my hair stand on end as I saw those brave men... testicles crushed... body battered and broken... chest battered... every one whom I talked to gave the same stories of fiendish beating, torturing, thrusting lathi in anus, dragging.... what has become of the English Honour... English Justice - Miss Madeline Slade ********** It is so painful to even imagine how Great, Rich, Civilized, Ethical we were (before invaders) and to think about what we have been reduced to (after invaders). I am sure We Indians can achieve anything and everything.We are very well capable enough to restore our Lost Glory and Pride.But we need a honest patriotic Indian Leader who loves his motherland leading India.Not someone with foreign dna owing her loyalty to italy and vatican.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:41:24 +0000

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