I often find myself in this place year-after-year. As one year - TopicsExpress


I often find myself in this place year-after-year. As one year ends and another year begins, an entire 12-month calendar of promise lies in front of me. What will be better this year? What goal will I finally achieve? What will I be celebrating this time next year? Without fail, I might succeed at reaching some of my goals, but I haven’t lived a year yet where I accomplish all that I set out to achieve at the beginning of a new year. In part, I think I can place blame on creating goals that are simply too lofty or unmeasurable. By nature, I’m a very driven person, and I have a tendency to over-set goals. As a perfectionist, I also quit too quickly when things aren’t lining up as I think they should. Seriously! In an effort to be a little transparent, in the past, if I started something on January 1 to find that by January 5, 10, 25…or whenever…I had already messed up, then I just threw in the towel for the rest of the year. Isn’t that crazy?? But…sadly, it’s been true. That is, until a few years ago. God revealed something to me about myself. I was elevating my goals, my dreams, and my plans. If I failed, then I quit. I often never asked God to reveal His goals for me for that year…I’d set my own and simply ask Him to bless them. I had it completely backwards friends. Since that revelation, I’ve been more intentional about New Year goal setting (I don’t like to use the word “resolution”…can you tell?). Honestly…I set them more loosely. And, in an effort to really hone in on the one area in which God might be asking me to grow or change, I seek Him for my one word. I’ve seen books and posts on the “one word” trend. The premise is such that you simply choose (or better yet…ask God for) the one word that will be your focus for the New Year. I’ve done this the last couple of years but not with as much tenacity as I’ve done for this next year. In all honesty, this past year has been very difficult for me. I feel like I’ve been hanging on by a thread for most of the year. My strength is sapped, my immune system is shot, my patience is thinner than ever before, my creativity is lackluster, at best, and my joy has been depleted. I know that’s not how God intends for me to live. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. ~John 10:10b (ESV) I cried out to God…asking Him for my “one word”. I begged Him to show me what that focus area needs to be for me this next year. I reminded Him that He promises abundant life, but for some reason…I’m struggling to live that out. I waited for Him to respond. And waited. And waited. And…just a few days prior to the end of the year, He responded…boldly! How often have you heard a song that you can sing all the words to but have never really listened to the words of the song? Yep…me too! I was driving along in my car, listening to the radio and talking to God at the same time. Again, I asked Him for my word. And then came several words that penetrated my heart in a new way: “We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives. It’s time for us to more than just survive. We were made to thrive.” (~Thrive, by Casting Crowns) Thrive. That’s my word. That’s what He’s been trying to show me. Yes…we were made for so much more than ordinary. We aren’t here to simply survive, even if that’s all we know how to do right now. God made us to thrive! So, my focus for this next year is to seek out God in every area of my life. Every single one. That will take practice, patience, persistence, and much prayer. But, with such seeking, I intend to allow Him to mold me and shape me into the thriving woman He created in me! How about you? What word (or words) is God speaking over you right now? Is there an area in your life that will receive your focus over this next year?
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 01:40:03 +0000

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