I often post quick reviews of books I have read. This post is one - TopicsExpress


I often post quick reviews of books I have read. This post is one of those post, but it is a little different. Last April, I purchased a book of just the Psalms. The book of Psalms: [Sefer Tehilim] a new translation according to the traditional Hebrew text Hardcover – January 1, 1972. , by Moshe et al. GREENBERG (Author) Each morning with my cereal and coffee I sit at the table and read. It has taken six months to get through all 150 of them. Some Psalms were for just one day. Others I read and studied for days. This has been extremely rewarding. My morning devotional study involved a highlighter/colored pencils and a pen. When I read a Psalm, I write the date I read it in the book. I always date each Psalm I have read. It helps me to know which ones I have read and not read. After I have done this I then use my pen and highlighter, I read and write my thoughts in the books margin. In this study, I used also a Jewish translation of the Psalms. This was a new experience for me. The Jewish translation I used is well tested and has been in print since 1979. A picture of it is found below in the photo section. I believed I paid a penny for it from Amazon plus shipping. I also wanted a different font and appearance. Sometimes it is good to read a different version or use a different type font. I often compared this translation with my KJV, NKJV, & NRSV or any other translation I might wish. Whenever we study Scripture it is important to do more than just read. Our objective is to draw close to the Lord and to increase our faith. Dont read just for the sake of reading, nor for the storing up of facts. Read for the enjoyment of fellowshipping with the Lord Jesus Christ. We must open our hearts to the Lord. A problem arose for me around May. In my morning reading, I was struggling to comprehend what I just read. I know this is not because Im getting older. You are getting old, but not me! It must be something else. Maybe this has happened to you too! It seem that whatever Psalm I was reading I was not comprehending it as I wanted too. This bothered me tremendously for several weeks, but I kept reading. I prayed often for Gods help to understand and remember. I then changed gears in my approached to the Psalms. I decided to keep it simple. I began to read for the simple pleasure of spending time with the Lord Jesus. This became a great pleasure. I was not reading to prepare a new sermon or a Bible Study lesson even though they are important things to do. I was reading to just enjoy fellowship with the Lord. Sometimes, the KISS formula is best. You know it! It is Keep It Simple Saint. Now, that I have finished this Book of the Psalms I have decided to do it all over again. I have purchased another copy of same Book of Psalms. I wonder how the Lord will speak to me in the next six months during my daily devotions? I want to go deeper in the Word. I want to touch God. In order to go deeper in knowing and understanding Gods Word means we must make an effort. Do you spend time in Gods Word each day? Is this a discipline in your life or an occasional thing? Maybe you should take up this challenge. Take your Bible each morning to your table and read. Get out your pen, highlighter or colored pencils and enjoy the Lord. Write down what He may say to you, It will be for you a very rewarding experience! Lots of love to you as you venture forward in Christs love. Let me add a P.S. to this. My heart is wanting to teach the Psalms in a Bible Study or class, but my body is still recuperating from the latest problems with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Please keep praying for my recovery. I want to be used by the Lord. Thanks. Dave
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 16:21:19 +0000

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