I only hope your change can be reversed. I can fill in the - TopicsExpress


I only hope your change can be reversed. I can fill in the names and more detail than you care to read but the list of his influences is why he is doing this. He is not a moron, he is very intelligent and well educated. He was not raised like the black Americans I know and grew up with. His mother and her family fled to Hawaii because they were Chicago area communist during the McCarthy era. His father was married to two woman in Africa when he married Obamas mother and after he divorced her he married another US woman and took her back to Kenya where he had three wives. In the meantime young Barrys mother remarried a Philippine and moved Barak to the ghetto in the Philippines at the age of three where he attended Muslim school until he was twelve. His step father went to work for a US oil company and Barak wrote in his book about his mother fighting with he because he wanted her to help him fit in and she hated America and everything it stood for. She moved back to Hawaii where she handed him over to her dad to raise, communist as listed below. Grandpa handed him over to Frank Davis, literally a card carrying communist, I have a picture of the card. Frank Davis was his mentor until he went off to college and the only person mentioned in Obamas books, that 54 times. I can go on but the plan his father, Frank Davis, and he later professors, even the William Aires who kicked off his political career had a plan to replace our government with a communist government. The plan included borrowing money at such a rate it could never be paid back and to keep doing it until the country could not pay the interest. To inflate the currency by printing worthless paper to give to Wall Street to hold interest rates down an drive the stock market high. (Quantitate Easing is what Obama calls it to the rate of eighty billion a month.) Take over healthcare. Take over as much industry that employees a lot of people; does GM ring a bell? Regulate energy until it is unaffordable, EPA. Create a civilian defense force equally well trained and equipped as the military, Homeland Security. Then there are the giveaways, free health insurance, years of unemployment insurance. More on welefare than ever before. All so everybody understand that the private sector fracked it all up and only the government cares about the people. There is more but the point is to convince the people that the reason they are out of work is evil business, not what government is doing to destroy business, and that only the government is there to help. When the house of cards collapses and the economy goes under, the communist take over the willing sheep that want to be taken care of and are scared beyond imagination by the total collapse of the economy. So I need a tin foil hat? If you think that you need to look at the actions of Obama and his Democrat lackeys. They are working that plan masterfully. They are not fools that are failing, they are trying to take over our government and they are succeeding quiet well.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 05:52:03 +0000

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