I personally will be leaving Face Book soon if their policies do - TopicsExpress


I personally will be leaving Face Book soon if their policies do not stop and change within the next week or two! This is the same with millions of others who are aware and it is spreading fast into soon to be over a billion, maybe it is time to look for other social media sources? Problem is, no matter what you use, be that Google, Google + or even your Yahoo,Hotmail and countless others you are in the same locked fence!.. Even if you leave Face Book they still have all the data stored about you from the off, every little detail and word pic etc since you started using Face Book as the same with nearly all social or cooperate organizations. Basically in a NUTSHELL =.{ENTRAPMENT!} A bit like oops to late, already jumped into the frying pan! OUCH!! Below is some info ! FACE BOOK HAS OVER STEPPED ITS BOUNDARIES! IT MUST STOP!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook: Putting us all in danger of surveillance Because of the Snowden documents, we know that Facebook is working closely with government agencies to give far reaching access into our personal lives. Just this week, the European Court began a case against Facebook and NSA spying connections on European citizens. The evidence only continues to grow: Facebooks quest to take over the world is putting everyone in danger. With Facebook tracking, selling, and sharing your personal information with companies and governments, its time for the abuse of Internet users to end. Thats why were demanding that Facebook stop tracking our personal data online. If we can get more and more people to opt out of Facebook, we can put a stop to their reign of surveillance. Please share this page on your Facebook and Twitter to your friends, we need to stop the tracking now!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:33:41 +0000

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