"I practice medicine based on scientific fact, not whether it is - TopicsExpress


"I practice medicine based on scientific fact, not whether it is getting close to dinnertime. Let me tell you a dirty little secret you will not see printed anywhere in OB literature, at least 90% of all emergency Cesarean Sections for fetal distress are caused by the ‘over medicalization’ of the birth process. This is what happens every day all over this country: You get too much Pitocin so the baby crashes because it could not get enough oxygen due to every 1-2 minute contraction intervals Your electronic fetal heart monitor was over read as showing a baby in fetal distress (despite being born screaming with great APGARS), Your blood pressure was dropped by your Epidural cutting off blood flow and oxygen to your uterus, and in turn your baby. Why do you think babies born by Nurse Midwives or at Birth Centers have only a 10% chance of ending in Cesarean Section but at a hospital around here, it can be upwards of 50%?"
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 15:42:37 +0000

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