I read with interest the Herald Article on the Poverty Project. - TopicsExpress


I read with interest the Herald Article on the Poverty Project. One point resonated. I have long believed there is an absolute pointlessness in punishing people for having no money!! If one is unemployed and looking for work and collecting a benefit, there is a lot of reporting to be done and obligations to be fulfilled. Regular visits must be made to WINZ offices, for the slimmest of reasons at times. If one doesnt live on a direct bus route, travel time and costs can be enormously prohibitive. So people take their cars - which they cant afford to drive more than a few kms each week and sure as heck cant afford to WOF and license. They come to a road block, explain their situation and get help? Advice ? Not on your Nellie!! A fine! That helps them get a WOF and licensing for the vehicle how exactly? I hold the belief that people who are in the unenviable position of collecting a benefit to keep body and soul together should be given a voucher by WINZ, covering the cost of the WOF test and any repairs required. Once ot twice a year depending on the age of the vehicle etc. The licensing should be at a heavily discounted rate, with a mileage check - that is, say driving no more than 40 or 50 kms from home unless with a special permit for the likes of attending a funeral. Net result - less unsafe, un warranted vehicles on the road; less utterly pointless fines; a far better chance of success in job hunting and attendance. And it is naive to think that public transport can provide for all travel to all jobs in anything like a sensible time frame. If for instance one livs on the Shore and works Otahuhu or near the airport - bus changes prohibitive prices and travel time - impossible!! Same from Massey to Penrose or Mt Wellington. And in no way can people be forced to live in ungongenial (to them) situations just to be close to work. Family support, continuity of schools etc are far more important. And before everyone blames National, there is NO party that addresses things such as this. Another good reason for a protest vote option.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 05:56:04 +0000

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