I really hope u all not just who i tagged in this will take a few - TopicsExpress


I really hope u all not just who i tagged in this will take a few moments out of ur day to listen to this message that is addressed to all of humanity. The Irish will walk for peace Dec. 10 which is tomarrow. Im going to b taking alot of time being w them in spirit n mind. I will b dedicating a meditation in their honor and i will create one of my music videos that will b about n for Ireland n for its courage n quest for freedom that ill b posting today. Please if u can just listen to it tomarrow if u do nothing else n share it w all u can. We need alot of light sent to them. Ireland I do think is the key that will unlock so much for our world. It is in this that I have so much passion for humanity and all its amazing gifts n experiences it has to offer and soon earth will b known n called by her rightful name Gia Sophia. That is her proper n rightful name given n will b known as an actual being that nourishes our body, mind, spirit n that she is not simply just dirt below our feet. Someday soon it will b common knowledge of expressing our true spirituality as beings of light n love n this planet will flourish with it! I trust in the plan, I trust in the creator, and I trust in us. We are humanity, and we are the only ones that can save ourselves from utter destruction. We must know this so deep inside that it sings in our hearts with everything action we take and thought we think. Thank u for allowimg me to b in ur lives. What i have been given in contacts is mere blessings that cannot b explained into words as I truly have the most amazing people in my life. Theodore R. Smith, Tyler Harris, Aimee Kump, Susan Young, Chelsey Michelle Jensen, Dot Jensen, Michael Peterson, Robin Gallegos, Ashleigh Young, Liz Green. It wouldnt let me put down all the names so if ur name isnt here its probably because it wouldnt let me. Ill resend it w a second post w the rest of the names minus this long message lol. I havent had alot of energy to focus on fb or even reg stuff it seems like so if I havent been very active in my contacts w u please know that I am always sending u love and I think about each one of u daily. That is the absolute truth I promise!!!!! Without even one of u my life it just would not b complete! Each one of u has special things n gifts that I appreciate so very much. I wish I had more energy n mayb thats my problem. What I can do is I can know that I have all the Time n energy in the world n I know that it will all b taking care of as needed. We always should take our own advice right? Lol!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 21:52:13 +0000

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