I really ripped that guy a new one! First he got it for knocking - TopicsExpress


I really ripped that guy a new one! First he got it for knocking on my door at 11:15! He tells us that jesse has never called a deer or turkey in, and that we only own 9 acres! Im like where the hell do you get your info! He acted like he really did some investigating ! and asked if jesse had ever bern arrested for a hunting violation and that it would show up in his system i told him his system sucked and im pretty sure on how much land we own... he basically called my husband a liar! Jesse was like well cut him open and show me a bullet or test my hands! The guy said it had to be done in a controlled environment , And gun shot residue doesnt prove anything.... So I looked a Jesse and said yeah babe, they need to take it to their shop and a bunch of them are going to stand around it with coffee in their hands while one guy cuts it up! Its totally scientific, you know like his metal detector he carries around lol. Of course he was calm and confused about the whole thing and I was mean! The guy was a real jerk! I told him like 20 time to take the gun give us the ticket and leave!! When i told him i had lived here 30 years and never seen a ca ( he says they drive out here all the time)out here he acted like he was a freaking ninja!well, -chuckle---were good at not being seen. I looked at Jesse and laughed and said they have really good camo on their truck you cant even see them while they are driving down the road!He asked and pushed Jesse to change his story over and over, i swear it was the worst interrogation ever! The guy needs serious training..... So every time he asked I said ok babe tell him no one more time for good measure! That guys story changed more then once! He said he watched him the whole time but never heard a gun shot, I asked him if he seen Jesse with a gun and he said no ... I was like well thats like a cop on a steak out and not seeing the bad guy steal the goods... Wth?? Then jesse wanted to look at the holes and while i was trying to sneak a pic he pulled the arrow away so i couldnt get the pic of it by the hole ( same size ) That guy is freaking weird! Seriously never dealt with any law enforcement that couldnt keep his own story strait! Now he will probably shoot the deer himself cause I was mean to him! You get me out of bed and act like an ass , you butt is going back to the office and doing alllll that paper work and work it takes to pursue it buddy!! Over paid animal control!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 06:00:35 +0000

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