I received some feedback from a close friend about my unfriending - TopicsExpress


I received some feedback from a close friend about my unfriending of people from my facebook pages. There are a good many reasons why I friend someone in the first place and then after having friended someone there are a good many reasons why I would then choose to unfriend them. So I thought Id try to explain why I feel it appropriate firstly to friend someone which is one of the features of facebook that I can and do use. A broad but more or less general set of conditions They are a friend or relation from before facebook and facebook allows us to keep in contact. They have a shared interests. I like what they do and I do it myself. I have many interests so its very likely that one small event may trigger my friending. I like what they do although I dont do it myself but I like their passion for it and sharing posts may spread the word through our panchromatic communities. They have a good or similar sense of humour. You dont need a suit and tie to get in but it does help if you make me laugh. They are from a similar background or location. School, home or work. They are a friend or a relation of a close companion. Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins you get the picture. All being well there then follows a series of commentaries between all these friends. Some regularly, some less frequent but generally a bit of wholesome amusing and pleasant contact. We dont always agree. We dont always have to. Its good if we do make contact but should we not, then it does move them closer to one of the conditions listed below. Now Id like to try and explain why I feel it appropriate to unfriend someone which is also one of the features of facebook that I can and do use. In no particular order. They may simply piss me off very deeply either by their actions on facebook or outside of facebook and the connection is one I no longer wish to continue in any social circle. They are excessively abusive to me for having a view point that differs from theirs. I dont expect for us all agree on every matter. I expect to have my view respected even if it is not shared by them. They never or almost never offer any response to anything I post to them whether it is simply a joke, a shared interest or something related to what they do that I want to pass on to them thinking it and may be of interest or useful. They choose to use me simply as a postoffice for them and one of their friends or relations. Having accepted a friend invite I expect to have a chat with you, not act as your emissary. Similarly if they choose to use me as a platform for their business interests alone. Not always but if there is no contact then it seems logical to severe the connection. If you should find that you are no longer one of my friends on facebook and feel that you were unfairly removed, you can always try friending me. It is one of the features of facebook that you can and have used.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 13:57:05 +0000

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