I recently read a very disturbing article on U.S. Drone Strikes. - TopicsExpress


I recently read a very disturbing article on U.S. Drone Strikes. In this article it read that a US Citizen was droned back in 2011 under suspicion of terrorism. The citizens name was Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, and he was 16 years old. He was born in Denver Colorado, and then moved to live with his grandfather in Yemen. His father was also a victim of a US drone strike under suspicion of terrorism due to the fact that he was a part of a lot of anti-Government extremist activities. It is highly believed that his father was in fact a terrorist, but there were no such signs in Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. The only real justification that the US government had for droning this innocent teen was the fact that his father was a suspected terrorist. Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was droned in a restaurant in Yemen back in 2011 without receiving any sort of trial by jury or due process. This information is almost sickening due to the fact that one of our inalienable rights protected by the US Constitution is: A fair and just trial by jury, and since Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was a US Citizen, he should have been given just that. Another reason why this sickens me is this: This drone strike has been kept out if the media, and the Obama administration has not had to answer for it, or been held accountable for the death of a US Citizen. This is not right. If Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. had droned a US Citizen then our response would be War. But when we drone our own blood the citizens do nothing. Another thing to think about is: We payed for the death of that child, literally! The US Military gets its funding from the taxpayers, so we funded that drone. So my question to you is this: do you think the government should be held accountable for these unconstitutional actions? Do you think it is right that a US Citizen was murdered before having a fair and just trail by jury? What do you think? P.s. Dont take this as me bashing the democratic candidate because I support the republican candidate; that is false. I despise both republicans and democrats equally.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 20:37:06 +0000

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