I remember as a 5 year old young boy following my father to the - TopicsExpress


I remember as a 5 year old young boy following my father to the main assembly area close to the village church. All villagers were there curious of what was happening, the day before a group of man were carrying coffer and silver coins distributing them saying this is a new currency for Papua New Guinea. In the centre of the village very tall flag fall was erected with Australian Flag flying on it. That day I can still recall I saw the Australian flag lowered for the last time and saw a brand new clourful flag of Papua New Guinea. It was an exciting moment for everyone in the village and everyone in Papua New Guinea. Whitemans flag has been lowered, with their style of leadership. PNG has now peacefully gained independence. It was Septtember 16 1975. I was there in a simple village celeberations. I saw alot of good infrustructure left by white teachers on my islands Central School. 39 years on all my relatives who raised the PNG flag are all deceased and young people like me have moved away from village to towns and cities Education has been the force that drag our people away from our island home. I saw rare kind of leadership before and after independence which was very good. Leaders were genuine and were always part of community work. 39 years on leaders dont work, they only talk and talk smart..PNG as a nation has been excelerated into a Economic boom but the leadership style has dramatically changed. Leaders do not address issues for Community benefit they address issues to benefit them. Infrustructures are hastily constructed with a idea of past profit. Education is a race not a sharing kind of learning. Its about staying ahead to get the attention of the teachers and leave the slow learners back in the villages. At 39 Png should review its entire operation and restrategize to ensure that every Papua New Guineans must participate and benefit from its resources. PNG must shift its infrustructure drive from towns to villages. Service deliveries must be oversighted so it is done with true development spirit. There is still hope for a better PNG...It must start from each one of us to take ownership of our village, our towns and our cities. We can build a successful country in the next 39 years. God bless Papua New Guinea...Happy Celeberations...
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:20:13 +0000

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