I remember the peaceful marches and equal rights riots of the 60s - TopicsExpress


I remember the peaceful marches and equal rights riots of the 60s .. I remember Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr., putting his neck on the line to get justice for Black Americans. They were justified .. they had Right on their side and they won equal rights. But today it seems that many Black Americans are filled with hatred .. they look for reasons to be violent and they can find them easily. But is this taking the Civil Rights Movement backwards? In my mind .. it is! How many of you people REALLY believe that the Zimmerman verdict is the cause for a large part of the American Black community to go Stark Raving Batty? Please! Don’t be fooled by this BS .. the people involved in these riots and crimes were already angry and they already hated Whites and the very system that supports them. They just needed a popular cause and the Zimmerman trial was the catalyst they were searching for. It would have passed as routine if not for the involvement of Obama, Holder and all the other Racists. Hey Akin .. you are a Low Class Fool. I’ll start a fund for those who wish to contribute. We’ll be happy to assist you and the gang bangers, other Racist rappers, professional welfare recipients who hate the hand that feeds them, Race Baiting members of the Congressional Black Caucus and New Black Panther Party members in your migration. For Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton we’ll even purchase First Class tockets. My guess is that most of the Conservative Black Americans would volunteer to assist in this noble project. I returned from Turkey to the U.S.A. in 2007 and at that time I had absolutely no feelings of animosity for any Black person. I had spent 30 years in the U.S. Army and then retired and worked 19 + years more alongside decent Black Americans and people from other races, religions and countries. Then came a new president . . Barack Hussein Obama .. and it all began to change .. rapidly! I’m fed up with this angry Black activism .. fed up with Whites being treated like they are all Racists .. fed up with the Race War we are currently experiencing .. fed up with the Obama administration adding fuel to a Racist fire that is being spread by ignorant Black Trash. Americans elected a half Black man to the office of President .. twice .. so how the Hell can we all be called Racists? You White people who are always screaming about the Muslims .. wake the Hell up .. your #1 Enemy is no longer Islam .. in fact your #1 enemy was Socialism all the time but now Islam has been replaced by Black Racist Terrorists and you might soon become one of their victims. Before Obama we were working out our racial problems .. progress could not be expected to be an overnight deal and certainly we were not getting through to the ignorant White and Black Trash .. but we were making progress. Now we’re falling back into the Race Wars of the 1960s and IMO the responsibility for this situation can be laid at the feet of the current administration in D.C. They are creating hatred and they have done all they can do to keep Black Americans on Uncle Sam’s Plantation and keep them jobless and angry and on food stamps and welfare and keep them in the ghetto .. and keep them voting for Democrats! I refuse to believe that Washington has any desire to improve the living conditions of poor Black Americans. I refuse to believe that they cannot find ways and means to raise the level of education of these people .. to give them a means of climbing out of the hole the Democrats created for them 50 years ago during the administration of LBJ! We’re NOT going to have Two United States of America .. one for Blacks and one for Whites .. and I’m sure that I speak for many when I say we are not going to knuckle down to the bigoted Racist demands of any minority. These people must either assimilate and stop the hatred or they will wind up on the losing end of a major conflict. Akin .. get your sorry ass on that plane and take with you those who think as you do.! You’re not always going to have a Black Racist president and attorney general backing you up .. in time you must become a part of the Greatest Nation on Earth .. or get the Hell out! “Every African American in the United States need to move their money, family, knowledge back to Africa were u will be treated like the royalty you are. You don’t deserve this treatment. This is not your country!!”
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 20:36:42 +0000

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