I remember waking-up one February morning almost 7 years ago to a - TopicsExpress


I remember waking-up one February morning almost 7 years ago to a world that was forever changed. My Dad had died the day before, and I realized that this was the first time I awoke to a world where I didnt have a Dad anymore. And I realized I would never have a Dad ever again. It was an irreversible event. As I sit and watch a completely out-of-control President - with his ridiculous, effeminate, false bravado and nonsensical chatter about his pen and his phone - hold the threat of executive amnesty over our heads like a cudgel, I think back to that cold morning and I remember Aristotles Rules of Logical Thought. 1. Identity - a statement has meaning that cannot change 2. Non-Contradiction - a statement cannot be both true and false 3. Excluded Middle - the statement must be either true or false When Barack Obama signs an Executive Order granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, an irreversible event will occur, whether or not we choose to acknowledge it. Our Republic, which has stood for 238 years, will cease to exist. With a smear of ink, we will have become a dictatorship. Dictionary defines Dictator as: a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession. and defines Dictatorship as: a country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a dictator. This is the identity of the statement. Can you live in a country that is both a dictatorship and not a dictatorship? No. This is non-contradiction. And it is therefore axiomatic that a country either is, or is not, a dictatorship. When a President acts in a completely illegal and rogue fashion, oversteps the limits of his power, overrides the Legislative branch, and foists his will on a nation without consent, you, by definition, have a dictator. And the people we elected two weeks ago? They will be sucking one thumb and sitting on the other. The watchmen have abandoned their posts, choosing instead to hit the talk shows and cocktail circuit. It appears as though one day within the next few weeks will mark Day 1 of the thousand years of darkness Ronald Reagan warned us about so long ago. And history will note that while our Republic fell, we busied ourselves with Kim Kardashians rump and Bill Cosby. (DP)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:05:00 +0000

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