I said the other time that Nigerias swift and unequivocal - TopicsExpress


I said the other time that Nigerias swift and unequivocal rejection of Boko Harams prisoner swap proposals was Pentagon speaking. Britain has announced it has the same thoughts, ruling out the possibilities of making concessions to Boko Haram in freeing the 200 abducted girls. The reason is simple: political or financial concessions to terrorists only strengths them psychologically and provides them with resources to consolidate their positions and launch fresh attacks. 1. Nigeria apparently has ceded ideological framing, command and control to the United States in the Chibok/Boko Haram rescue operation. That trend will continue and its central idea is to stop the spread of the business of extortion through terror growing in Nigeria. The firmness, though costly is the correct position. 2. Refusal to negotiate with Boko Haram promises to send this country swiftly down the path of its destiny within weeks. The implication with respect to Chibok 200 is that a decisive military engagement is imminent with all of its grisly possibilities. Sadly, we have to live with the knowledge that not all the kidnapped girls may be rescued alive. What this means furthermore is that all those making political and financial merchandise of Nigeria through Boko now have their feeds cut off. You can expect an initial tantrums from them which will almost certainly mean an escalation of Boko attacks. We must be ready and not despair because they will be cut down as the West faces down on them. 3. The long term engagement of the West in our security matters is inevitable. This is bound to extend into other areas of our national life too with all its many implications. We have little choice than to learn to live with it.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 13:31:31 +0000

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