I spent three days in Lviv, from 26 to 29 September 2014. That - TopicsExpress


I spent three days in Lviv, from 26 to 29 September 2014. That there was no doubt, I am a Jew, living in Israel since 1991, according to Zionist beliefs. I do not feel any sympathy for Vladimir Putin. I did not like what he did with Russia. And his initial attitude toward the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, I expressed in my article: maxpark/community/ukraine/content/2945285 maxpark/community/ukraine/content/2953856 I thought that fascism is taking place in Ukraine, but it is a marginal phenomenon and its scale is greatly exaggerated the Russian press. I recently was in Kiev and Odessa, and did not see there is no fascism. But my visit to the city greatly changed my beliefs. Thus, an outstanding three days off and I decided to visit the Lions. In Israel, the holidays, and still do nothing. And here I am, being a divorced man, he met on the Internet with a lonely young Khokhlushka from Vinnitsa. Why do not you go do not get to know? Lately, I often fly to Ukraine for this reason. Already visited in Odessa and Kiev. Invited her to take a walk in Lviv - heard Lviv and Transcarpathia very beautiful place. Decided to see with my own eyes .. Besides, my grandfather, was born in Greydelke (settlement town), Jewish town 25 km from the city, now part of the city. There he owned a kosher butchers shop. For it in 1939, when the Bolsheviks occupied eastern Poland, western Ukraine was released, as you like, it is socially alien element, were deported in the Tomsk region, and thus saved his life. The rest of my family, who waited in 1941 burned in the Holocaust. So, a trip to the city, for me was, if you will, trying to touch his roots. What I saw: Lions really is a beautiful city, a Transcarpathia really very beautiful nature. But this beauty, no joy of my heart. My thoughts were on the other. My Hotel to lie in the historic center of the city, and in the morning, coming on the first outing, Im buried in a huge memorial to Stepan Bandera and UPA fighters. I knew that in Lvov opened a monument, and was mentally ready for it. In the end, I normally am the graves of German soldiers, scattered throughout Europe. This is the story. It is very easy. People did not know, did not realize were stiffness fear. We, the distant descendants, it is very difficult to judge a generation of those who lived during that terrible time. Not everybody can be a hero in someone does not have enough power. Someone stumbled on the error, folly, or cowardice. I was ready to see a modest grave cross: My God accept soul Stefan Bandera and all UPA fighters, and forgive them their sins, because man is weak and does not know what they do. But repentance, there was no smell. Looked at me a huge 20-meter image, whose style of Stalins empire. (photo attached). Looked at me a winner, father of the fatherland, the hero. And next, were not grave astray, lost in a terrible era people. These were the graves of heroes - the pillars of the fatherland, the saints, the memory of which grows a new generation. And the inscription, Glory to Heroes! And the citys main street is named after Stepan Bandera! For a moment I was scared, but then I got over it and became unbearably vile and disgusting. So disgusted that I wanted to come and relish harknut on the grave of the vampire. In 1991 I came to Israel, and in the preparatory courses for university I was forced to take a course and then pass the exams on the History of the Jewish People. And it was told that the German fascists carried out genocide of the Jewish peoples hands UPA fighters - Ukrainian insurgent army - Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Bandera. I was shown the photographs, documents and memories of survivors who testified that the guards at Auschwitz were UPA fighters, that the Jews of Kiev led to Babi Yar under escort Ukrainian nationalists that shot them with the Germans, the soldiers of the UPA. And even more than the Germans - the Germans mainly organized and directed, and all the hard work took the UPA fighters - Ukrainian Nationalists, Stepan Bandera. I was told this is not the Soviet Communists, and Israeli Zionists, I was told and showed these pictures guides in the Jerusalem Institute for Holocaust, Yad-in-Hashem. KGB, the FSB and Putin, I do not trust, but in the Yad Hashem, I believed. So what are the heroes?!. Punishers, murderers, jackals !!!. I did the German fascists, feel more respect. Those bloody wolves - these vile jackals. Those at least for their delusions his blood shed at Stalingrad. They preferred to go to the punishers. And they Thank ?! Glory to the heroes ?! What people are heroes. Further more. We took a 3 hour tour around Lviv. In Russian and English tours were not, had to listen to Ukrainian. In the words of our guide appeared that Bandera movement, is the pinnacle of the history of the city. We were taken to the prison, where 27 July 1941, before the departure of the Red Army, the NKVD arrested shoot OUN. The guide told me the next day after the withdrawal of the Red Army, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) declared an independent Ukrainian state, which existed 7 days, while the city has not entered the German army. All this served as a heroic page in Ukrainian history. EDAC 100 days of the Paris Commune. But I learned something from the History of the Jewish People know what really happened in Lviv in those 7 days. Massacres of peaceful Jewish population, women and children. Massacre, torture, rape, robbery. Preserved photos, newsreel, eyewitness accounts, and documents. Within 7 days of the Lviv pogrom (we call it a massacre, not rebellion) killed 10,000 Jews. However, killed not only Jews but also Poles, Hungarians, Russian. The massacre stopped only accounts for some of the Wehrmacht. For several reasons: Firstly, there is no independent Ukrainian state is not included in the plans of Germany. Secondly, the slaughter of civilians to demoralize the Army. The Wehrmacht did not like to take part in this. This was done by the SS Einsatzgruppen, and volunteers from the local population, which had to this vocation (read OUN). Third, the element of the pogrom, the fiery rush of Bandera, interfered to solve the Jewish question with German precision, thoroughness and accuracy. I asked our guide if he knew anything about the Lviv pogrom that took place in those days. He said that all this is Putins propaganda. At the end of the tour, I asked him to tell what he knows about the genocide of the Jewish population of Lviv during World War II. And at the same time asked them to show us a memorial to the victims of the Lviv Holocaust, or a plaque on the site of the Lvov ghetto. In response, the guide said that in all of this were to blame the Germans, he not familiar with these websites Lviv history, and that a visit to these places is not included in the program of the excursion. Just imagine - before the war, about 300 thousand population of Lviv 130,000 were Jews. Once there are only 300 people. The rest were burned in the flames of the Holocaust. In fact, rather big tragedy. The city could become excessive and a huge memorial. But probably all the money spent on the memorial Bandera. Where memorialize executioners, no place for their victims. In fairness, I later found online memorial to the victims of the Holocaust Lviv, judging by the pictures, it is much more modest monument to Stepan Bandera, tours do not drive there, the streets of Lviv in memory of the Holocaust is not called. By the way, two months ago, I traveled to Odessa, too acquainted with lonely young Khokhlushka. On a city tour guide in Russian talked a lot about the extermination of the Jews of Odessa, and led us to a memorial to their memory. Yet we were taken to the catacombs, the memorial Odessa partisans, who not only beat the Nazis, but also saved the Jews in their catacombs. The fact that I am an Israelite, of course, no one knew - I was sitting quietly in his place and asked no questions. So it is unlikely they were tour program specifically for the Israeli guest. Two of Ukraine, as well as if the different countries. Speak the same language, but I think that if during the war Odessa guerrillas would meet Bandera their meeting would not be peaceful. And you can call me a communist pro-Russian, but personally I much nicer red stars Odessa partisans than Bandera with a swastika. Although I repeat, I am a Jew and a Zionist. What else? B stores and restaurants, refused to talk to me in Russian. At my suggestion: We could speak English or Russian, what ever you want, they intimidated, tried to squeeze out a few words in English, and then, out of respect for American they still cut a Russian. Aw, Snap, and is in Russian are able to, if we want to - I said. But its so minor mischief. Then we went to the Museum of Folk Architecture Shevchenko Guy on the Ukrainian Folk Festival. Watched samples huts and rural churches, collected from all over Ukraine. Near went Cossacks and Cossack women in elegant embroidered shirts. Sang folk songs and caroling. Makeshift shops in sellers in folk costumes, offering national cuisine, honey and bacon, dumplings, brew sbiten, yushku with mushrooms and yushku with fish soup. Cossacks, taught young people to own a sword, spear throwing, archery. 5 shots, 10 hryvnia. And he served as a target portrait VV Putin. Personally, I was not really upset, though jarred. With all my antipathy to this policy, it was like that too in bydlyache. Suddenly I was jerked as current. All of these Cossacks and Cossack, on his neck hung the amulet with a swastika. I asked, what is it? I was told - the old Cossack guardian. I bought it and took a picture of one such photo attached. What is this if not a swastika? I felt as if I was in the film Cabaret with Liza Minnelli. In the scene where the Bavarian solar glade, dressed in folk costumes peasants drinking beer, and suddenly comes a blond boy with an angelic face, and begins to clear voice singing Tomorrow belong to me. And suddenly all these picturesque Bavarian villagers stand up and raise their hands in unison shouting Heil. Walking through the streets of the old town brought another shock. Well, the walls are inscribed with slogans Bandera Come, Place your order, Cha mova, that Vlad, Moskolyaku on Gilyaks. Well, what in the souvenir shops selling T-shirts with the words I Banderovets, Putin-Huylo . I was shocked bookstore on the main square Gorodocka. We showcase this store struck me again shock when I saw a collection of books: Aryan path, nationalist, and horror of horrors, Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf. Everything fell into place. I will not pretend to be a virgin, Im sure - if you want to Mein Kampf can be accessed easily and in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in London and Paris, and New York, and even in Tel Aviv. But never in all its 45 year life I have not seen this book in a shop window, and even in the central square! Such I saw only in Lviv. I was leaving from the city with an eerie feeling. Cobbles this city drenched with the blood of my ancestors, my unborn brothers and sisters (in the literal, not a figurative sense), blood 100,000 Jews who were residents of the city kicked in Auschwitz. And this here is not a part of history. In this city, the executioners did not repent. They live out their lives in a warm bed, surrounded by love and respect. And when they die, they erect monuments and bring candles. At the executioners grew grandchildren who are proud of their grandfathers. Probably the same feeling arose in wanderer, found himself in the castle of Count Dracula, and who saw how Vampires dead rise from their graves. It turns out during World War II ended, not all the Nazis destroyed. Here they are - go to the new parade, clean the old form, deploying the old flags and salute their stone idols. I like the Israelis have a question to the Israeli government, to the museum Yad B-Hashem, to fund the Simon Wiesenthal Center. You are still looking for the Righteous, to give them honor, you are still pursuing worldwide Nazi executioners, you are taken to Israel, tried and hanged Nazi executioner №1 Adolf Eichmann, how could you miss Lviv renaissance fascism? !!. What am I paying you taxes? Do not you know who the Bandera? So why do you have typed in your mouth water? Why did not shout about it at all angles? Why did not require international condemnation, boycott Ukraine? Recall how in 2000 we withdrew its ambassador from Austria, where the governor of Carinthia was a neo-Nazi Jörg Haiger. Though Haider only allowed himself a few words that not everything under Hitler was so bad: In the Third Reich was decent employment policy, something that is unable to give birth to the current government in Vienna. All that. No one in Carinthia 20 meter statue of Göring and SS heroes are not set. None of their memory is not rehabilitated. But then we have organized an international boycott of Austria, and still made Haider permanently retire from politics. So why is against this background that this blindness to what is going on in Ukraine? Do not see the memorial Bandera in Lviv impossible. I will express a seditious thought. Really for the Israeli establishment, for all of those officials from the Holocaust, it is just a profitable business? Haiger can just come somehow competitors on the affected corn, and he ordered incriminating? And all this anti-fascist pathos only way to eliminate a competitor, and Bandera convenient ally, because they are for Ukraines accession to the EU and NATO, they are against Russia? Quarrel with them, to quarrel with America. They did not order. And that means they need fascism to ignore. If so, I hate you! I believe that morality should be above politics. And no political gains do not justify the deal with the devil. I love my people, my country, my Israel. This week, I will certainly go to Jerusalem, in the Yad B-Hashem, and I will give them my Lviv souvenirs, swastika, Mein Kampf, photographs. And ask why they are silent. I owe it to the people, and in order to prevent these Bandera sleep.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:35:49 +0000

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