I spoke with Tammy this morning. There is not a lot of new - TopicsExpress


I spoke with Tammy this morning. There is not a lot of new information to share right now. Dallin is stable and still unconscious. Tammy did mention that Dallins doctors will be meeting with the family today at 10 to go over things. We will try and update you after that takes place. I would like to take a moment and share some of my personal thoughts with you... Those of you that are close to the family know that the Hunts are very active and devoted to their faith in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I happened to be at the Hunt home with some of their children when Tammy arrived back from Carissas baby shower. Tammy came through the door and was extremely upset as she broke the devastating news of Dallins accident to us. Chaos erupted for only a brief moment as we were all trying to understand what was happening. Almost immediately, Tammys children gathered everyone in the house together and instructed them to kneel down in prayer to plead to our Heavenly Father for their very much loved brother and his sweet wife. A feeling of peace and calm ensued as the Spirit enveloped those of us fortunate enough to be in that circle. I watched as these faithful and loving children honored their heartbroken mother and jumped into action organizing a travel plan to get Tammy and Carissa to St. George as quickly as they could. They efficiently contacted family members, church members, and friends and pleaded with them to start praying. It is hard to put into words the deep feelings of love and admiration I have for this family. I look up to them for so many reasons. While sitting in Primary Singing Time yesterday at my own ward I listened as the children sang the words to Build an Ark. The song talks about Noah and how he was prepared when the storms came because he was obedient and listened to the Lords instruction to build an ark. One of the lines tugged at my heart and I couldnt help but think of my sweet sister, Tammy and her loving husband Brad as I heard these sweet childrens voices singing the words- “I will build an ark before it starts to rain... I will follow the Lord and do all things in His name... I’ll prepare ev’ry needful thing. I will walk in righteous ways... When the rain starts to fall on me, I’ll be ready for that day.” I thought of the carefully laid foundation of faith these wonderful parents have laid for their children, the time and love they have invested in teaching them to care for and look after one another, and the significant importance of turning to the Lord for strength and direction in times of trial- all crucial things necessary to prepare their ark for when the rains of lifes storms begin to fall. One of the invaluable lessons that Brad and Tammy have taught their family is to selflessly give to everyone they come in contact with. Their children have carried on this legacy. I have watched over the years as their familys kindness and generosity have blessed so many lives and it has been a really neat thing to see so many of those lives wanting to give back during this difficult time. When I spoke with Tammy this morning she told me that their family has been absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of prayers, love, and generosity from friends, family and even complete strangers. She said at times it feels as if their feet are not even touching the ground because they are being carried. This made my heart smile. Please know that all you are doing means so much to this family. Please, please, please continue to pray and ask those around you to pray as well. Also, if you are able, it would be very much appreciated if you could spread the word about the donation fund that has been set up for Dallin and Carissa. I can only imagine the kind of medical costs that will accompany this type of situation. Not to mention, the new baby due to arrive soon and other regular bills that will be piling up from missing work. Any amount you can give will mean more than you can know. Thank you so much for your love and support. We will keep you posted.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:26:09 +0000

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