I still am not sure I believe in Numerology, but this was so dead - TopicsExpress


I still am not sure I believe in Numerology, but this was so dead on, it was scary! Hi there Jennifer, I hope you enjoyed the sample reading I sent you on Saturday. Ive been looking a little deeper at your numerology chart Jennifer, and here is what I have found: I see you floating in a sea of endless time - great vistas and a feeling of lifetimes behind and ahead of you. I get the feeling of urgency with you Jennifer, things that must be done, lessons that must be experienced. I sense the rhythm of life, the cycles we all experience. From your 6 Life Path in combination with your 1 Soul Urge, I get the impression that you have a pleasant personality, and are generally liked by others. You can be easily hurt at times, and as a result are more careful with displaying your feelings than you used to be. Jennifer, I sense that you are a very busy person who is always on the go. The more you have on your plate, the better. At times you wish you had less to do, but you would be totally lost if you woke up one morning and found nothing at all to do! This couldnt happen, of course, as every time you get a space you seem to fill it up very quickly. Youll be just as busy in late life as well ... in fact you wont get time to grow old, youll just simply keep on growing! Having said that, its not surprising you need a break after this past year. Lets face it - we all need a little breathing space now and again to re-charge our batteries. Remember to take time to smell the roses! Jennifer, you have had a few worries recently about money, but you know you have the power to solve them. While its been a bit of a bumpy ride financially these past couple of years, the next 18 months or so will be a lot easier. Looking at your Personal Days and Personal Months, you should be pleased Jennifer ... it shows that shortly you will receive some pleasant news. It is nothing momentous, but is sufficient to raise your sights and hopes. It is good news. I sense a period early on in your life - teenage years perhaps - when you felt misunderstood, as if you couldnt really get close to anyone, as it you are walking on the outside of life. These feelings very occasionally reoccur. You are a very special person Jennifer. The experiences you undergo are all for a very special purpose, one Im sure you are not aware of yet. Nevertheless, you are progressing in exactly the right direction. Your timing is good and you are learning from every experience. I dont know if you believe in reincarnation, but I get the feeling that you are a highly evolved person, as if you have lived many times before. In time you will have much to offer the rest of us. Romantically, it has not always been easy, and your outlook on life has changed because of this. The future is much easier in this regard than in the past. Jennifer, you have sometimes wondered if you have made the right decisions at times, and it looks as if you have. You work best when you make your own mind up on things, though it is useful to ask other people for advice before you make your own mind up. I see some travel in your future, and several new horizons beckoning. Your progress in this world has not always been as fast as you would like, but I can see significant growth in the future. You tend to feel you have a lot of unused capacity, and that people dont always give you full credit for your abilities. I can see you happy and productive in your old age, surrounded by friends and family. You are of above average intelligence, and will keep on learning all the way through life.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:55:15 +0000

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