...I summarize the Big Bang theory in the comments...–. - TopicsExpress


...I summarize the Big Bang theory in the comments...–. #PopeFrancis #theChristianPost #StephenHawking #Michiokaku #NASA – as seen by every famous scientists in the world the–Jesus Big Bang theory is the one the Pope Francis is talking about.this is partly in the Bible and partly in the quran.but Mr. Jesus completed the theory so would see only one that makes sense. This is only part of the theory he had given solid proof to scientists. Concluding every detail. He wrote the pages differently three or four times. This might be the original. only part of the theory is here. I will ask him to summarizing below./\dini #Virgingroup #RichardBranson if its not proving them right now eventually in the future it will prove that to be true. Because theres only one truth. And weve been saying that radio waves travel through the first since 2011. They just keep traveling. There are a lot of different types of waves and transmissions in all the time but unless you have the technology to read them you cannot read them March 18 at 9:54am · Edited · Like – #DavidSuzuki Babar Khan I think I said that. The universe is a giant brain. Or even saves a cell on a brain and organic brain. So if the human body is controlled by an organic brain if you stop your toe your entire body is affected. And you start screaming in radio waves start coming on your mouth. And they just keep traveling. Radio waves and sound are two different things. March 18 at 9:55am · Like Babar Khan Sound waves are different. Sound and radiation are two different things.microwaves are a form of radiation.so there are a lot of different types of microwaves. And every event that ever happens is recorded in time in microwaves or radio waves. Everything leaves an imprint in. Because everything is all by computer. And computers memorize every. They remember. So March 18 at 9:57am · Edited · Like Babar Khan somewhere to stubbing your toe or just somebody touching your total your entire body responds whether its stubbing your toe or just a gentle touch it just responds on a different level. Just like the universe if one planet disappears the entire universe knows about it. As its all part of one giant brain. So one forest burning down the entire universe knows about it consciously but does not respond March 18 at 9:58am · Like Babar Khan but the planet that forces on will eventually respond because it feels the force burning down and the planet is suffering from the pain. but if an entire galaxy disappears the universe is going to be much more in pain from that happening for 50 galaxies disappear the universe is going to be much more aware than just one force. The universe will be in much more pain just like March 18 at 9:59am · Like Babar Khan if you stub your toe opposed to someone touching it opposed to I hammer falling tone. Your brain is going to be much more aware and your entire body is going to respond on different levels. Because everything in the universe is connected through ripples in time and ripples in reading waves that continuously from. Or even bouncing from satellite to satellite throughout the universe March 18 at 10:00am · Like Babar Khan my theory of the Big Bang which I dont remember what it was but I wrote a whole page 2 or three weeks ago Im pretty sure Its accurateand it will match Einsteins part of his theory . But Rosens bridge theory is a load of. Because the universe was not created in the shape of a u said its created in the shape of the galaxy. Because when you look from the planet Earth in every direction its curved March 18 at 10:02am · Like Babar Khan putting us in the center of the of the universe according to Einstein and Rosenbergs bridge theory it would not be curbed in every direction it would be U-shaped. and probably perfectly flat...I dont know for sure. I dont really care about that kind of stuff anyways. Im just saying for future reference I think theyre going to figure out that my theory also matches with what their discoveries March 18 at 10:03am · Like Babar Khan these even if you think about it telepathy. What it is is radio waves traveling from one person to another. And this happens in the universe. And it also happens and brains and theres a certain amount of telepathy happening all the time between humans we call it census perception were we just feel like somebodys thinking of us are staring at us are talking about us. March 18 at 10:05am · Like Babar Khan I dont know if the word is census. Thats the way the computer spell the word out is trying to say.I wish I knew where in the Scripture I wrote my Big Bang theory I would repost it.one of the scientists may confirm whether its legitimate or not. March 18 at 10:07am · Edited · Like Babar Khan yeah dont know where iI wrote that. But I wrote a paper on black holes to and traveling through black holes. That the reason why scientists cant figure out how to do it. His begin have to send something through black hole that can be reconstructed on the other side. So what can travel through black hole. March 18 at 10:10am · Like Babar Khan While we know when you shine a flashlight. It can be seen in the dark so we know that light can travel in the dark. And if you try to compress light by crushing it with a vacuum or pressure it will not change. So late is probably hundred percent able to travel through a black hole without being destroyed. So if youre traveling on a holographic vessel made of light March 18 at 10:11am · Like Babar Khan the chances are you will reach the other side without being destroyed.I wrote a lot of principles on how holographic vessels can travel through a black hole. But also to send Mercury through black hole. No matter what you do to Mercury its going to still be the same when it comes out the other side you if you try to crush it it will still be able to stretch out and break apart but come back together March 18 at 10:11am · Like Babar Khan on the other side so if you have a computer made of mercury inside the Mercury it can reform using the computer data on the other side back into the shape of the camera or recording device. Or whenever you program it to do so if you create nanotechnology made of mercury.they will be of the reform on the other side of the black hole March 18 at 10:13am · Like Babar Khan even if you send both of lightning through their it will probably not be effective by the pressure for the density of the black hole. But if you send a metal object or a solid object through or even a wave file could be affected or a microwave could possibly be effective. But there are certain microwaves that you would be able to send through a black hole without being affected March 18 at 10:14am · Like Babar Khan you just have to figure out whats in a black hole is there anything in back and cancel out radio waves or a microwave signal. That will help you determine whether or not you can send the sings through a black hole. But if you try to send a spaceship is going to break up. A black hole is made of negative energy. And a warm is made of positive so we can travel through a wormhole time,.. Which is Einsteins theory which is connected to the Big Bang theory. March 18 at 10:15am · Like Babar Khan Which also correlates with my Big Bang theory about the universe being alive and brain . In organic brain like a human brain is an organic computer. An organic brain. That was born. And everything that is born creates all of these type of energies such as radio waves. Anything you create with your hands is a part of the universe that created your hands and everything that you touch or look at March 18 at 10:16am · Like Babar Khan all of this came out of the original big bang. Which was you could say sort of like an organic literature filled with information and when it exploded in exploded outwards pushing all information and everything in all directions. some areas got more of certain types of information in some areas but less information. But the information that we know there is all the same information everywhere March 18 at 10:17am · Like Babar Khan and in this big bang there is all sorts of noises that were created and all sorts of radio waves microwaves sound waves heat waves. All sorts of chemicals. Heaven and hell human souls. Different chromosomes all sorts of stuff DNA everything came through the initial Big Bang everything thats inside brain. I human computer chip and organic computer-chip. A living computer-chip March 18 at 10:18am · Like Babar Khan and the older the chip became the more experienced it became overtime and because were connected as an organic brain in each individual person were connected to the main brain of the universe. This is why we always say everybody knows all God is in everything. Because were living inside Gods brain so everything we see is a part of God.everything we touch is a part of God. Inside the Big Bang because its a computer chip that is organic March 18 at 10:20am · Edited · Like Babar Khan a human brain the original programming of that ship included mathematics. Language writing. Drawing. Trillions of different species.everything that is on Gods planet inside Gods DNA. Because we are created in the image of God.everything that exists in the universe is partially in our DNA. On some microlevel. But like I said some areas of the universe got more ingredients than other areas March 18 at 10:22am · Edited · Like Babar Khan so there are some areas in the universe that only have 100 ingredients. And there are other areas that have 500 ingredients. And when we access the main computer the main brain sometimes they give us more information that were missing. And we make discoveries. Because somebody is giving us new information that they have or they know about or thats logged into their computer systems. And we know them as arch angels March 18 at 10:23am · Like Babar Khan and they have access to the entire universe database.and I know that language came from Dini. Not her personally but from Angels. Even English. Im not sure where the first English writing is came from but I would not be surprised if the very first English writings are in the Bible. Im just guessing I dont know. March 18 at 10:24am · Like Babar Khan Im missing out wouldnt be surprised. It might be in some European documents from before 2000 or whenever the Bible was converted. Taking what I dont know.I wouldnt be surprised if the oldest Arabic in Jewish writingsare from the Koran and the Torah. I mean complete as a language.Im just guessing I dont know I could be completely wrong about this. March 18 at 10:25am · Edited · Like Babar Khan I wouldnt be surprised if the very first Hindu and Sikh languages come from their religious books and text.dont Assam a liar something that a from wrong because I swear to God I dont know. This just came in my head so Im saying it.I could be thinking it myself or somebodys telling me to say it I honestly dont know.when I say somebody Im talking about Angels. March 18 at 10:27am · Edited · Like Babar Khan I know its not God telling me this because the was a recognized that it is. Or Im just thinking of it myself I dont know. Im just talking. I do that a lot.when I have nothing to do.so originally the Big Bang before it started there was probably a computer check which was probably a flat ship or something that exploded. And started breaking apart and March 18 at 10:28am · Edited · Like Babar Khan we ended up in the center of the universe because chip we were the last part to break out of the chip. So my theory is that the universe is not younger the further you go out its older. I think the theory of the Einstein and Rosenberg is the further you go the universe becomes younger. Im saying it becomes. Because that stuff broke apart from the chip earlier March 18 at 10:29am · Like Babar Khan and we came out last in the center of the universe close to the border of the two hemispheres right and left and the earth is right on the border on the neutral border. In the center of the universe. And the further west you go the more evil universe becomes the further east you go the more civilized becomes. And were stuck right on the border very close in the center March 18 at 10:30am · Like Babar Khan this is just my personal theory from experience of what Ive seen. Another a younger parts of the universe than us but I believe its all a residual effect . And God created us on this center in the universe because we are special in the entire universe knows that because we are created in the image of God. We look like God God looks like me from what I know. March 18 at 10:31am · Like Babar Khan because Im created in the image of God and you all look kind of like me and whoever Gods birth mother is women look like her. Gods fathers wife.who gave birth to God. Whose brain were living in.now Im pretty sure my theory makes the most sense out of every Big Bang theory thats ever been present. Because my theory corresponds with the creation of life. March 18 at 10:33am · Edited · Like Babar Khan and the shape of galaxies and universes.but I noticed you talk about a lot ofsort of scientific things all of a sudden a couple weeks later or month later or two months later they make a discovery that correlates what I was saying this is happened three or four times. Its really bizarre. March 18 at 10:34am · Edited · Like Babar Khan the Republicans one Pres. Obama to start a war to discredit him in the future.title I award because a lot of people are going to get killed. And it could start Armageddon and the situation in Syria that many people are dying. In a horrible bug situation is so anyone thats in urging more is crazy. Thats outrageous murder.stupidity and on becoming public meeting to encourage something at this time in history. March 18 at 10:37am · Edited · Like
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 23:49:00 +0000

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