I tell you what, them Vietnamese know they way around a raw - TopicsExpress


I tell you what, them Vietnamese know they way around a raw oyster. I got schooled at the weekly crab slaughter over at the casino. I noticed the Asian folks all had A-1 steak sauce on their table, so I asked some what they used it for. And they were more than happy to tell me. First of all, you need an ass-ton of sliced lemons. Like a slice for every couple oysters, if not more. Squeeze a bunch in a cup. Then get a saucer or small plate or something and put some A-1, with some Tabasco, a little lemon and a little soy sauce. Some of them told me to use salt and pepper and not soy sauce. Some said wasabi works good instead of Tabasco. Then cut the little cuticle thing on the oyster and with chop sticks dip it in the lemons and soak it real good. The citric acid kills off the fishy smell and flavor and leaves you with that pure slimy ocean-goodness. Then you slather it in the A-1/Tabasco mixture and hammer it down. I chew them up, savor that shit, man. Instead of just sliding it down the gullet. Way freaking yummy. Yummier than the American version in my fevered opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 00:10:58 +0000

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