I think I finally see banks for what they are. They are houses - TopicsExpress


I think I finally see banks for what they are. They are houses of worship for an occult like faith system. Led by priests who sell their religion as fact. Their wealth is conjured up out of thin air at the stroke of a keyboard entry in an occult like conjuring of wealth. They offer you nothing of physical real value, and hold nothing of physical real value within the actual temple. Yet people are so brainwashed by the occult that they go and pledge their lives to a life of servitude, sign up and put their signature on occult documents that give more power to the temple, and leave the person joining the occult nothing more than a slave to the bank he has pledged his labor to. The odd thing about these contractual agreements is that the occult bank itself never takes any risk at all, and never has the amount of collateral, or real wealth they claim to possess in order to lend. So it truly is a blind faith. A blind leap of faith into the arms of those who have power to create currency out of thin air. Displayed clearly onto the back of every piece of paper they hand out is the true and clear meaning of this religion. A religion of the all seeing eye sitting upon a pyramid inscribed In God We Trust, with the words Federal Reserve Note written on every one. Your true wealth is your time and freedom. Think about that one. Money is just supposed to be a storage of power. When you go to the Bank, and trade in your labor for Federal Reserve notes, its a bit like trying to cross a desert, and storing your water in a bucket with holes in the bottom of it. Many will never complete the journey, and will parish along the way because they were drained of their energy. They gave their energy away to the occult of banking. To further illustrate the idea that this is a fictional entity with no true backing that doesnt even make mathematical or financial sense, one only needs to look at things like, fractional reserve banking, or the fact that more money is lent that can ever be paid back setting up a system of failure. Mortgage backed securities, Derivatives, high frequency trading, the stock market, libor rigging, or delve into the fact that all wars over the last 100 years have been a direct result if not at the very least financed by banking. Saying that these are honest organizations based off of actual facts, or math, is much akin to saying that Science is the exact same as science fiction, or that a biographical accounting of ones life is the same as a make believe comic book character conjured up out of thin air. Banking is a belief system, it is amazing how many people are born into this system world wide, and I would say that it has more or less over taken every form of government across the world. So you might as well lump government in as being part of the banks world wide, and part of the same occult belief system. How much of your lives have been spent under the slavery of usury? How much of your time with your families has been taken from you in order to pay interest? How many days a week do you work in order to pay tidings to the house of worship that you bank with. Have you ever looked at the money and questioned which god they are referring too? Did you see any Christian symbols on the currency? There are many gods, which one are they talking about? What evil have you done in your lifetime in order to get some money? What dishonest things have been done by man against his fellow man in order to work for the banks? Why is Andrew Jacksons image on the $20 federal reserve note whenever he was against a national bank? Who owns the banks? Does it escape anyone that JP MOrgan Chase founded the Federal Reserve? Does it escape them that the largest banks in the nation have an open window to the fed, and are able to borrow endless amounts of money at 0% interest? Why is that? WHo are the stock holders of this church? WHo are the occult leaders selling you this make believe? Who sold you this belief system? Did you ever even stop to question it? Were you instructed in school on how the monetary system in America works? Why did Henry Ford state that it was better that the people of America didnt understand the banking system for there would be riots the following day? Was he aware of this false belief system? How many nations have sold their population into servitude in order to worship and serve the banks? Who owns you? Are you free? Do you believe yourself to be an atheist but still walk into these houses of worship and blindly sign your life away and use money that says in their god you trust? godlikeproductions/forum1/message2564042/pg1
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 01:28:29 +0000

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