I think I might sing this....o3o should I? A is for autopsy, to - TopicsExpress


I think I might sing this....o3o should I? A is for autopsy, to figure out why you’re dead! They’ll cut you up good, and drill through your head! B is for butcher shop, they slice and they dice; hack up the meat, and serve it with rice! C is for cannibal, they like to eat flesh. Sometimes they fight, but mostly they catch. D is for doctor, with scalpel and shot; give the injection, and watch yourself rot! E is for eviscerate, but don’t be confused! When your intestines come out, that’s when this word is used. F is for fallout, radioactive and fast; lose all your hair in one massive blast! G is for guns; they serve a good purpose- let’s pull the trigger and try not to hurt us! H is for hell, it’s down there you know, where we all will be punished, eternal and slow! I is for insane, when you lose your mind! We’ll give you a prison cell, and lots of time. J is for jugular, cut it to die fast; no stitches will heal it, or gauze, or cast! K is for kill, it means to end; to choke and stab, bludgeon and rend! L is for lenient; it’s something they’re not! Anger them now and prepare to be shot! M is for murder, it’s toilsome and planned. A rifle, a body bag, some bleach and a van. N is for nitrogen, when it’s a liquid its cold! To stick your hand in it would be stupid but bold! O is for Osiris, the god of the dead! He knows where you go after you’ve bled. P is for pulverized; crushed and smashed- when you’re hit and bludgeoned, attacked and bashed! Q is for quarrel, a dispute of two heads- most surely will end in one being dead! R is for raven, feasting on carrion; picking and scraping, and leaving at dawn. S is for specter, a bad scary ghost! He flies and attacks, and petrifies his host. T is for talon, swift and sleek. It’ll slash with these and bite with its beak! U is for a utopia that doesn’t exist- you’ll rot in this life like all the rest! V is for vex, to frustrate or annoy! Conniving and devious, this is a great ploy! W is for warden, he keeps things in check- no more riots, or he’ll break your neck! X is for xenophobia, hating people from foreign nations! We all hate their accents, we all have no patience. Y is for yelp, a sharp cry of pain! It comes from enemies before they are slain. Z is for zyklon, hydrogen cyanide gas! Give this to folks and they’ll choke and soon pass!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 06:29:14 +0000

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