I think it becomes clearer, by the day, that Obamas primary enemy - TopicsExpress


I think it becomes clearer, by the day, that Obamas primary enemy is not ISIS, since he is in fact funding them: but you the American Citizen. So a few years back Clapper lied through his teeth about the scale of data collection on American Citizens. And today we see fake cell towers and planes collecting all of your cell phone data which, as the article discloses, has been used to go after drug dealers and other consensual criminality such as prostitution etc. So if you have a picture of your Jeh Johnson, on your phone, you just might want to delete it, as well as anything else that could remotely be embarrassing or illegal. Many articles have already been written about the increase in parallel construction which, in my not so humble opinion, is a total invasion of our rights to privacy and a direct obfuscation of the exponential growth in citizen surveillance. So as an example let us consider a fictional case where a citizen has a picture of a Cannabis garden. The NSA finds the picture through a fake cell tower that shreds through the password protection and sucks up all the photos from a cell phone. But because this would be seen as a violation of ones 4th Amendment rights they stop the person for a supposed traffic infraction. The person gets busted but when prosecuted there is NEVER any disclosure of how the case was actually developed. You can read more on this here: reuters/article/2013/08/05/us-dea-sod-idUSBRE97409R20130805 So why are we being forced into a surveillance state? My guess is this . . . The government understands that the cumulative destruction of the US Middle Class will soon lead to resistance, protests and possibly full out revolution. Already I hear talk on the streets -- in some cases people that wish Obama were dead: like yesterday. The government also understands that, as the costs of subsidizing Illegal Aliens, Health Care for Illegal Aliens etc. -- begins to crystallize in the minds of American Citizens -- we will begin to resist. So what they are erecting is actually far worse than the Russian KGB, back in the day. The general idea is to use this accumulated data to criminalize and intimidate the citizenry. I could go on but the main point would be this . . . If you wish to preserve your liberties, your privacy and the economic sustainability of your family you just might want to start paying more attention and getting involved. Freedom has never come without a cost or the eternal vigilance required to sustain it. Just saying. gizmodo/secret-u-s-spy-program-targeted-cell-phones-1658573067
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:11:04 +0000

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