I think it is about time the real motivation behind these protests - TopicsExpress


I think it is about time the real motivation behind these protests against HHDL was exposed. It is pretty clear to us that the NKT/ISC claim that their motivation is all about the supposed terrible suffering that the supposed ban is creating is nothing but a sham and their supposed evidence just castles in the sand. They are doing the protests because Kelsang Gyatso has ordered them to do them (When he orders his followers to protest, they protest. When he orders them to stop, they stop) The question is what is the real reason he has ordered them? It seems to me that the closest anyone has got to pin-pointing the real reason behind the protests is Andrew Brown in his article for the Independent in July 1996 - The Battle of the Buddhists. The most telling moment in the article about Kelsang Gyatsos motivation comes near the end: Kelsang Gyatso: The Dalai Lama is not an ordinary being, and when he said this (that the practice is harmful and should be stopped) everybody shocked. They experienced mental pain. Here he pressed one fist against his heart, in a gesture to ensure I understood what he meant by mental pain. If Dalai Lama right, then up to now, this practice we have done for 20 years, everything wasted: time lost, money lost, everything lost. That is the big issue. So the real issue here, by Kelsang Gyatsos own admission, is nothing to do with human rights or religious freedom. The issue is that his entire NKT empire is built on the practice. Therefore it is his empire, his pride, his ego that is at stake. His pride cannot bear it. If HHDL is right then his biggest fear is that his whole empire will crumble. That is the big issue. All the rest is smoke and mirrors.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:07:13 +0000

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