I think it’s time to write another blog about money. I write - TopicsExpress


I think it’s time to write another blog about money. I write a blog about money a few times a year because I think there is a lot of guilt, shame and confusion around money in the spiritual community. There’s this idea that you can’t be spiritual and rich, or if you are – you have screwed people over to get there. There’s this idea that you shouldn’t charge for God given talents like intuition or insights. But – last time I checked, all talents are God given. The talent to play basketball, the talent to write, the talent to sing, the talent to act, or be a doctor – are all God given. For the talents to be fully realized, we must practice and learn and apply a ton of hard work, but nonetheless the raw talent came pre-installed. And yet, we seem to have some block around certain types of God given talent. The idea that a rich person can’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven is widely used to take vows of poverty, but what Jesus meant when He said that was if you WORSHIP money and make it your God, then you’ll never be happy. But you can have a lot of money and still be focused on The Divine. You can also not have a lot of money and be so focused on money that you forget your connection to the Divine. Money, like everything else, is a symbol for energy. That is it. And the more of it we have, the more we can help ourselves, those that we love and others. There is nothing spiritual about playing a small money game. I also don’t believe that when you are a healer or life coach you are charging for the teachings. All the wisdom teachings are readily available for free on the internet. Anyone who has access to the internet has access to the wisdom of the ages. When you charge for your services, what you are charging for is your time and the facilitation of the teachings. Your time and your wisdom are very valuable. I know people who went to college for years and years and have six figure debts that never learned the things I teach in my mentoring and at my seminars. And when they learn what I have to teach, it totally changes their life. What is that worth? I believe it’s important to give away scholarships, free content and help those who need it so that personal growth isn’t just something for “the rich.” But I also believe that healers who don’t charge what they are worth are doing themselves a major disservice and, as a result, a disservice to their clients. The guilt and shame around charging money for healing services is a way for many practitioners to play small. The more your cup is full, the more you have to give away. Here are some quotes that address what I’m talking about: “When your self-worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.” - Mark Victor Hansen “Your self-worth has nothing to do with your craft or calling, and everything to do with how you treat yourself.” - Kris Carr Are you playing small by hiding behind prices you know are too cheap? Are you scared to step up and play a bigger game? Are you running yourself ragged and capped at a certain income because you are afraid to raise your rates? Are you triggered by the rates of other healers? Don’t you think you are worth investing in? And also being paid well for the value that you add to the world? What would your life look like if you cast those fears aside and actually did what you knew you had to? I’m curious. Leave a comment below and let me know. From the blog: thedailylove/money-has-the-spiritual-world-gotten-it-all-wrong/ Love from Calgary, Mastin
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:00:01 +0000

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