I think one thing I have grappled with in life and at work, is the - TopicsExpress


I think one thing I have grappled with in life and at work, is the paradigm of mental health care that dictates that biochemical model as gospel. That you are missing certain neurotransmitters and that is at the root of depression, suffering and suicidality and other mental ailments. So the party line is that you need to replace whats missing. For me this led to a twenty year journey of avoiding mental health care. The fruits of avoidance are, I was not able to have healthy relationships for many years or a family. Thats a bitter fruit. Though, living with damage to my hypothalamus, I didnt have the urge to have children , so that was okay by me And what are the benefits? I had the impeccable, synchronicity to stumble into a correct diagnosis, to receive care with methods that have only been pioneered in the last decade, that dont involve a course of medication or a sentence to a diagnosis. Ive been so fortunate. Ive also been suicidal. And so now I work in mental health, for someone who does not judge me because of past hospitalizations, and for someone who values my very unique experience. This is so unbelieveably fortunate. Becoming reconnected to life required being very fierce about boundaries. It required seeing clearly through some pretty heavy societal bullshit and saying, thats a social contract that does not serve me and I will not follow it. Being true to self and not looking back. This is what I wish for people who are suicidal. To find what lights your heart on fire when the world is burning and dont look back. To get your ass on the road when you want to die, because the road is incredible and will make you forget about suffering. Im writing this one for friends who are struggling with Robins death. I have some friends who have been reminded of friends and family who couldnt make it.. this ones for you, kids.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 01:15:23 +0000

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