I think that we are all sick of what we are witnessing both in - TopicsExpress


I think that we are all sick of what we are witnessing both in Australia, when it comes to the obvious manipulation of our Court Systems by Unscrupulous Attorneys, Elder, Disabled and Guardianship Abusers and even Banks. Be it in Civil Court, Family Law Court or Probate Courts, we have been astonished by Rulings from Judges that defy logic and have nothing to do with Justice. The simplest answer is usually the best, every court matter should be heard before a Jury and with a Packed Court Gallery so that Justice can not only be done, but be seen to be done... !! Forget about Secret Societies like the Masons, Illuminati or the Knights Templar, we have a Global Secret Society that has been operating in plan view and with little attention or scrutiny. That my friends is the Global Network of Bar Associations with a self interest in maintaining a system that is geared up to make the highest profits for there members, at a human cost that is staggering in its magnitude and breathtaking in its longevity..!! In the United States and Australia we have seen what amounts to the Return to the dreaded Secret Star Chamber of the 14th, 15th and 16th Centuries, where Probates Judges have been removing every shred of Individuals Humans Right under Guardianship and allowing the Wealth Rape that ensues (or worse). We have seen women and man for that matter, devastated by Family Law Courts, where it would appear that Perjury by Attorneys is not just not only the norm, it has become the way business is done within them. We have seen Banks and Financial Institutions using the Courts as a Weapon to intimidate Victims of Fraud, treating to run them into the ground with legal battles that have frivolous defenses, but the Banks have deep pockets...!! We have also seen the Probate Court System being used for Extortion by Criminals that should already be in jail, with Governments and Politicians that do nothing to stem the Injustice and Fix the System.... !! These are all stunts that could be Stopped Dead in there Tracks and bring back some feeling of Justice to the people, simply by doing what is the law already Have Ever Case, Heard By A Jury...!! Law Reform and Bank Reform is useless without Court Reform, it is thousands of times harder to either Corrupt or Bamboozle a Judge, as it is Jury, that truly reflect the Standards and Ethics of the Community..!! Especially when you have to plead case after case before the Citizens from within the Society, eventually the community figures out what is really going on and insists that crooked Attorneys and Judges be held to account...!! They say that Justice is Blind, its NOT.. Its been operating behind a veil of secrecy and its time that we the people rip away the veil that the Lawyers and Judges have been operating behind forever. When there are Juries, then there may be true Justice that represents our Morals, Ethics and stops the Legal and Political Elite from Raping and Criminally Profiting from a System that should severe The Community and Lady Justice Herself...!! To Paraphrase the Late Don Chipp, the Mandatory use of Jury System for all Court Matters would Keep the Bastards Honest and it would actually work..!! Reference to The Star Chamber:- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Chamber
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 20:27:31 +0000

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