I think we need to discuss the importance of critical - TopicsExpress


I think we need to discuss the importance of critical revolutionary pedagogy. First off, pedagogy simply means a teaching model/praxis/paradigm just so were clear. propaganda is a useful tool. I am not going to knock it completely, but bear with me here. Propaganda can undermine movements when it is not the most critical. For example, if I had a penis, I would make x more money is about the patriarchy, right? We all understand that, so why do some people have trouble grasping the concept? Could it maybe be that this is not the most critical piece of propaganda that we as feminists have constructed? Id say yes because on the surface it implies that men make more money (which they do on average as a symptom of patriarchy). But it ALSO implies that penis=male. Sometimes we mean well when we make this stuff but dont think clearly about what we are saying and throw people under the bus. Can you see how propaganda can undermine a movement in this way? TERFs prey on overzealous feminists, many of whom have succumbed to thinking only at the surface level about feminism: that feminism is a correct conclusion but they havent developed much reasoning as to why their feminism makes sense. Can you see how a feminist who sees stuff like that may be more amenable to TERFism? Propaganda is useful as hell- we are fighting oppressors who are using it, and they are using it damn well. But we need to be absolutely sure to write more critical propaganda ourselves at risk of our own movements being undermined. We need to furthermore discuss the finer points behind our propaganda to new feminists/anarchists etc. because a defined praxis is far more useful than surface level understanding. And that is what propaganda is used for- achieving a surface level understanding on the matter. A critical revolutionary pedagogy entails teaching people why these things make sense, not leaving them with uncritical surface propaganda. Because if we are to use propaganda at all, uncritical propaganda finding its way among the rest is unavoidable. ~~~RB~~~
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:22:12 +0000

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