I thought I would give you another boring update on how things are - TopicsExpress


I thought I would give you another boring update on how things are progressing. I was discharged from hospital on Friday morning. From Friday evening Ive been suffering with V and D, it got to the stage Pete called the Serco doctor out on Sunday. I didnt eat anything for 3-4 days and I havent had a proper meal in over 2 weeks! I went to the hand clinic yesterday and luckily they saw me quite quickly, think it was also due to me not looking too good! The consultant has stopped the antibiotics (so relieved) as this is probably the cause. The large bandage is now off and now have a light one on. The wound has been extended, now 10/11 stitches and the swelling on the side of the knuckle is now a crater (should heal fine)! Got to go back next Wenesday for the stitches to come out. They said it was one of the worst cat bites that they had had in! After 6 weeks since being bitten on my left knuckle on my index finger and 2 hospital stays (1 for 6 days, the 2nd for 10 days), 6 weeks of antibiotics (oral and iv plus sometimes 2 different types at the same time), 5 general anaesthetics for surgical wash outs and the wound stitched twice, Im hoping at long last I can start to make some progress. Still feeling weak, shakey and battling the blues atm, but hopefully the worst is over. It will be at least another month, or more, of physio now to get my hand back working. Hopefully Ill get full movement back in my finger, or will try my hardest to! Thank you to everyone for your words, kindness, cards, hospital visits, gifts, rallying around, donations to the cat rescue to keep everything going. Means so much. Xxx
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:23:52 +0000

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