I thought this was very fitting right now. As we change in our - TopicsExpress


I thought this was very fitting right now. As we change in our minds it will reflect in the outside world. We are breaking free my dear family! Changes must occur. But it is how we react to this shifting of great change that will show how much chaos we experience and how long we decide to experience this stage is up to us n how we react to it all. Change will not come smoothly ever. We must realize this and not panic and see it as a process needed to progress in order to heal the corruption that has been imbedded into our society. I hope u feel peace n calmness as much as one can feel as these things to come r known n brought to the surface. Ive been working on releasing alot of these energies and its why I have been monitered n harrassed by some few who know the power we possess as they time n time have tried to throw me off course. While Ive been doin this many nights ive spent biking for hours traveling sometimes 20 miles a day ussually at nite so as not to disturb anyone and I have sent out that all r to awaken to their free will to choose n to see their own truth away from any chains of control and with that to have a sense of peace n calmness to awaken more softly than upruptly n harsh like I did and many others have experienced in the past. Know Ive been working w GALACTIC alliances, the councils to earth, angelics, the nature realms, and other realms n beings and many amazing people around the world for a while now knowing this would happen over the mass of society for a year now. The crystals ive sent out were programmed for the highest good that is in our soul plans collectively n individually. My mission has been open n transparent for a reason even though there r still some things I have not talkes about yet and even when I didnt realize why at the time I was catching myself do some things I didnt completely know why but knew I was suppose to do them . Know u r protected and let this process do what is needed for our growth together and individually to occur in whatever way u see fit. This means we need to speak up and expose to clean it out. But from my perception and just a quick tip is to not let it take over ur time. Balance is needed and it takes time to clear these things out. We can only handle so much at a time. Meditation is probably the best thing for us. There are many ways to meditate. Its about getting ur mind relaxed. We cannot stop at focusing on corruption n not taking care of ourselves. And im talking on all science speaking levels. Literally our bodies can only handle a certain amount at one time so dont think u are not spiritual enough or not into what I do cause its not about that. We all have our gifts n reasons for being here and no one is wrong in the way we express that. The earth works the same way we do. It is happening in bits n parts but it takes alot of us working together to form a well working machine to complete the job. We cant over work it or just one part working n the other not. We cannot let it get dusty n if we each do what we r drawn to it makes it go faster and its funner cause ur doin what u were brought here to do and it doesnt feel like slave labor work. Appreciate ones work n do ur own way n it will always work out. But we must work in communication n unity too. Keep in mind that there is a program out that is soley focused on exposing n they live n project in total fear mode n thats what their focus in on. That is not the answer. There is more to it and much growth will occur in the way u need to experience it all but know that exposing these things is only the beggining and that part may not b ur cup of tea but we all have a part to play and u will find it by what motivates u n excites u but u hafta appreciate all the paets we play in the entire process. Lots of parts that r different come together to create a great working peice that is capable of creating a fantastic masterpiece. Some are more about exposing certain areas, some r more about teaching the ways we can go. When the corruption n stuff is goin on u need to have that protection n focus on building urself up whatever u choose to do. There are so many ways n no one way is right or wrong u just need to find ur place and no one can tell u what that is but u. To know why this is happening and why they r doin these things is the powerful part because when u learn these things about urself u really will b able to discover things that can truly set u free and thats the part they do not want us learning or should I say remembering ; ) its a process and there is about to b a huge wave of people waking up and with that comes a massive shift n will reflect in the outside world. We will all need to work together. No one is above another, no one is higher than another. It is simply us evolving n shifting n helping each other in all areas. This is not just a spiritual, physical, ect evolution. It is a shift in our society as we reclaim our sovern power n free will as the literal meaning in all sense of the veil being dropped for more n more to see as more of us drop the need n want to b controlled n declare it inside our hearts n minds this is helping us all like a domino effect. As it does this things that are not serving us anymore for our highest good will fall, its that simple. It served its purpose greatly and now we are experiencing this on a global level and experiencing the light of oneness returning collectively to us all. Its a great thing. Dont b afraid. I bless u all w love n light of the highest divine essence there is in existence and I bless u all with the most growth n greatest good for us all as we work together during this great shift that is probably the most exciting yet can b the most trying time on earth collectively n if u r not in the right state of mind n heart linked then u will feel very, very, uncomfortable to say the least. If u truly knew how I felt about each one of u it would b felt as the most amazing brilliant warm light in the most comfortable feeling of bliss u can imagine! Every creature, every plant, every one of u I have so much love for and although its hard to understand that and mayb seen as weird or strange I can assure u if we all felt more love that this world would b a totally different place in a nano second. Remember that when u feel any fear, jealousy, judgement, or anger of any kind go to ur heart space. Get to that place of pure bliss however u need to that makes u feel love. That is how u can help the world right now in a big way. I love u all!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:59:54 +0000

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