I totally get that the drug war is unintentionally racist. Thats - TopicsExpress


I totally get that the drug war is unintentionally racist. Thats easily provable and systematic. However, the stand your ground law isnt something that the government claims as a defense. Its an individual defense which is claimable by anyone regardless of race. The claim of the article is that whites more often successfully claim SYG as a defense than blacks and Hispanics. On the face, looking at the raw numbers of just attempts to use it and success in doing so, that is true ... but this, as most liberal agenda points do, ignores all context and reality. So what is the context and reality? According to FBI stats, when it comes to committing murder, whites and blacks respectively prefer to kill within their own demographic. Looking a the 2011 FBI stats we see that whites killed 2,630 other whites, but only 193 blacks. Black, in that same year killed 2,447 other blacks, and 448 whites. According to the 2010 Census, 64% of the population is white, while only 12% of the population is black. Now connect the dots. 64% of the population killed 193 blacks, while only 12% killed more that DOUBLE that amount of whites. Now, dont call me a racist, because math is not racist. These are just the numbers and they speak for themselves. If you dont like the numbers, dont hate on me, do something about it. Looking at the numbers, the context, and the reality of the situation, the reason whites successfully use the SYG defense more often than blacks and Hispanics (Im Hispanic so I have perspective here) is because they actually need it more often! As a percentage, and as a raw number, we are killing them at a MUCH higher rate than they are killing us. Dont ignore the fact that denying them the right to stand their ground in self defense means that YOU will also be denied the right to stand your own ground in self defense. You have (or will have at some point) a family to protect. Dont disarm yourself just because someone else is giving you a bad name.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 23:53:44 +0000

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