I trapped mama cat at LVH a day or so after she had her litter of - TopicsExpress


I trapped mama cat at LVH a day or so after she had her litter of six. The clinic told me she had newborn kittens so I resolved to find them. Sheila Cerami told me I was wasting my time, because it would be impossible to find them in such a large space with so much traffic noise and dozens and dozens of juniper bushes where they could be hidden. I called the caretaker and asked her to help me search. I got there and started looking in the approximate area where I saw her hanging out. I found a promising tunnel in a juniper bush and shined my flashlight into it. After three minutes of searching I decided that Sheila was correct. It would take me days to properly search through every one of the prickly junipers. The traffic on Paradise Blvd made it hard to hear and the newborn kits would not be able to make much noise. I tried to call the caretaker to tell her it was hopeless but got her voice mail. I was writing a text message when I saw her searching through a different section of the landscaping. I called out to her and we walked towards each other, meeting in the middle. I told her I didnt think wed be able to find the kittens and the best we could do was release momma in the morning and hope for the best. We started walking back to my car so I could give her momma cat (who was still drugged up from her spay surgery) when we heard a faint cry. We stopped and listened and heard it again. It was coming from the bush right next to us! I rooted through it and deep within I found the kittens! They were tiny and still had their umbilical cords attached. I put them in a carrier and took them home. Momma let them nurse and I was greatly relieved, I hate the thought of leaving kittens vulnerable to dehydration or hypothermia. The next day I tried to figure out what odds I would lay if asked the chances I could locate them in less than ten minutes. 100 to 1 is too generous I think, but thankfully we ended up in the right place at the right time to hear the tiniest of meows. One of the valets, Mike Romero is fostering momma and the kittens. Here they are after a month. Happy birthday Carrie Meurant, you owe me a hug!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:14:23 +0000

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