I travelled yesterday, by air. The flight was quite rough, due to - TopicsExpress


I travelled yesterday, by air. The flight was quite rough, due to turbulence. I sat next to an old friend whom Id met again, on the plane. Together, we talked and it helped douse the sinking feeling in my stomach, each time that plane shook like a leaf. The lady who sat on my right, wasnt holding up so well. She was visibly terrified and kept grabbing my arm and praying nonstop. I told her to imagine six of Gods beautiful angels, holding up the plane. Because thats what Id asked God for and I wasnt afraid, because I knew Hed answered. We landed safe. I took that safe flight for granted. A bit. Miles Munroe is dead. And Im so, so sad. Met him once. And to stand near such a great man, was a rush Ill never forget. I wonder, did he he not pray? Why would God not let him die peacefully, in his bed? Why such a violent end? Why did six angels not hold up his plane, like they did mine? Why his wife and daughter too? Someone to continue his name? Why him and not all the rapists and paedophiles who are causing havoc on innocents in this world? I dont know why; no one can answer all of lifes questions. A time to live and a time to die. If we have good, someday, bad will come too. Hes gone home. Ruth and their daughter too. They rest in peace. Amen. But this brings some things to mind: 1. Theres a life after this. Am I ready? Are you ready? Have you accepted the love of Jesus? Have you placed your life and heart in Christ for safe-keeping? Do this today if you havent. An excellent eternity awaits you. 2. Many men and women run around, breeding children to carry on their names after theyre gone. Many men put their wives through hell, because they want sons. Many women do terrible things, because they want sons to validate their womanhood. Like its up to them to make male children. Know this: you and yours can be gone in a moment. Then what survives you? Let the quality of your life be your legacy. Let your works carry on your name. Mandela has no sons- but well never forget his name. For others, we dont know their sons. Like Myles Munroe. Mother Theresa. Condoleeza Rice. Mahatma Ghandi. What will carry on your name? Rest easy, Dr Myles and family. Your works and words live on.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 07:30:03 +0000

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