I truly believe God exists and I have a God-moment I would like to - TopicsExpress


I truly believe God exists and I have a God-moment I would like to share with you. I have been fighting health issues for months now. I spent a few days in the hospital running tests and the doctors are still totally stumped. My symptoms are all over the place and my anxiety is over the top. I have tried everything from gastric treatment, depression and anxiety treatment, to hormone treatment. Even though my symptoms persist the best the doctors can come up with is I have an eating disorder. 100% true story. My psychiatrist (a woman) keeps saying, the doctors are missing something. I know right?!? Well I got a referral to a woman OB/GYN that specializes in conventional hormone replacement therapy as well as some un-orthodox methods (vitamins, supplements, etc). I called her office yesterday and made my new patient appointment. Oct 8 @ 2 pm. I was disappointed, but remained hopeful. Ive been fighting it this long, whats a few more weeks? This morning I called to see if they had any cancellations and the receptionist very sweetly assured me I was on the cancellation list and she would call me as soon as something opened up. Today is a good day no puking so I was up cleaning and EATING...SMH. The phone rang. It was the MDs office. She called and had moved a couple patients and has an opening for me TODAY!!! TODAY!!! DID YOU HEAR THAT? TODAY!!! Heres is hoping she has some answers for me. I believe now more than ever that my issue is hormonal. Either way I still believe God hears our prayers. I believe He answers us in three ways, Yes, No, or not now. For now God gave me a Yes. I pray this treatment works. Thank you Father God for daily blessings. Show us how to see them. My husband bought me a new hat the other day and inscribed on the deck of the hat are these words...living on a prayer. Yep thats us, living on a prayer, Weve gotta hold on to what we got, were gonna make I swear. Thanking God for one moment!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:38:32 +0000

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