I try to keep certain politically or socially charged things off - TopicsExpress


I try to keep certain politically or socially charged things off this page, but I want to say this, I have spent the last few days talking to people part of the GamerGate movement. These are real people, with real identities and real feelings. They are not the monsters the media has made them out to be. There are *so* many issues at hand here, and so many voices that are crying out to be heard, but the moment anyone starts telling one side they have no right to share their voice, that is where the real evil is. Another thing I have found, most of the people who stand with GamerGate are not part of the doxxing and harassment - its very few individuals who are spreading hate in both camps names, and the majority is getting put upon for what a minority is doing. So please, please, keep this in mind when you do talk about it. Dont assume everyone who is part of this movement is evil and tolerates this. What I have found is that most of the GGers I have spoken to want to talk about a few specific issues, but anytime they do, they are told that they are changing the subject in order to cover up harassment and its part of the GamerGate tactic to turn people from the real issue at hand. This simply isnt the case. If anyone would just take a moment to talk to these peeps, listen to what they feel is going on and why they are frustrated, you will see their problems are just the same as the other side. Both sides want a voice, both sides want to be heard, both sides are tired of being silenced. How can any sort of change be made if we just shut down the people who are the ones that can bring this to an end? I have met women, men, trans and a plethora of people who are part of the GamerGate movement. Its not just men trying to silence women. In fact, most people I have spoken with are women who, like me, feel they cant talk about their feelings because every time they do, they are told they are a traitor to the cause. We need to stop silencing people before they can speak. We need to have a better understanding here. Because, once we do, as I have found, you will find that at the core, both sides want the same thing.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 18:34:05 +0000

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