I try to share good news but a big part of my responsibility for - TopicsExpress


I try to share good news but a big part of my responsibility for the breed in rescue is also to educate. I do this in hopes of making a difference and changing attitudes. I realize that this may not be a popular post and some may even be angered by it, but the truth must be told and this girls loss of life is worth speaking up for. This is a sad lessen- This girl did not make it out of a Texas pound... I think sometimes its easy to believe rescue will always be there to take them all, but tragically, thats not always the case. Rescues dont run on endless supplies of space, volunteers and funds. At some point as a rescue, knowing what you have available, and knowing the vast need, hard decisions have to be made sometimes. I dont know why she was left or what the circumstances were but I know her life mattered to me and I pray she didnt suffer. SHE is why it is so important to support legitimate rescues you see actually out there saving lives! Im sorry people let you down and I hope someone was able to show you some kindness and love at the end.... She was found as a stray and only at the pound a few days. This is what rescues are up against for all those living in dreamland, sitting back and doing nothing. Is your heart really with dogs like this in need? There is a saying, where your heart is your treasure is as well... What do you do with what is most valuable to you? What do you do with your TIME&MONEY? Is your heart with material possessions and fancy things? Do you spend your time doing things that dont help others? Maybe its time to rethink our value system as a society. This is why people should not be breeding while dogs like this are killed in pounds, (she is just one of many) because they dont have a home. If you want the killing to stop, *ADOPT*VOLUNTEER* DONATE*EDUCATE* https://m.facebook/PAAStx/photos/a.738850192818378.1073742090.234124973290905/747887781914619/?type=1&mds=%2Fsharer-dialog.php%3Fsid%3D747887781914619&mdf=1
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:48:51 +0000

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