I understand that Kenyan youths are working hard to secure a - TopicsExpress


I understand that Kenyan youths are working hard to secure a better future for themselves, their families and to improve their environments. In pursuit of this, some may think/believe that migrating to search for greener pastures in the West would be a better option. Am not opposed to individual decisions neither am I in any position to speak about other countries where I have never been..Let me highlight the situation in the EU because this is the place I dwell in..You hear about Germany, the UK, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece (for example)..I will talk about Germany and Spain.Germany because it´s the economic powerhouse of the EU and could be used as a yardstick to check what is in Europe. Secondly is because I have been to Germany for a time long enough to understand it. Spain comes in my list because this is where I live in.. For a new comer going to Germany, you must have a work and residence permit auslanderbehorde in order to get a job opportunity which as we write is very scarce. Conditions to get the work permit are strict and for a very determined immigrant, it may take 3 to 5 years and ofcourse huge sums of euros into thousands. Though Germans are known to be fluent enough in English, it is very safer if you speak German..Some of them hates speaking in English (and if you insist on English, it may affect their relationship with you)..The other issue is residence ( I mean a place to sleep). I once left for Germany with good cash in my pocket but it was still difficult to find a house. It is a fact that Germany is a very civilized country, well developed and a place where you can sharpen yourself proffessionally but Germany can also help you frustrate your own life almost beyond repair especially if you have academic ambitions..Some elements of racism still lifts their ugly heads when it comes to selections..A very minor issue with paper work can lead to an endless vicious circle without a solution..but a clever student would never move to Europe for an undergraduate course..For starters it is very expensive in the EU when all degree certificates from any recognized university around the world counts for a masters admission. You just finish your degree in Africa then check with Germans or EU country for your masters program. Yes, in this respect, there are scholarships in abundance. Spain: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of bull fightings and Paellas ( a spanish common dish which basically consists of cooked rice blended with anything of your choice..chicken wings, shrimps or whatever). There is no job in Spain and the unemployment index is above 25% of the workforce. Education is cheap in Spain infact, there is a course that runs from Sep to June for university entrants..Huuuuu España, Good!! Nice!! and you have all the beaches to swim..but no Jobs. Note; My description of Germany is a replicate for other EU nations..Ofcourse Spain, Portugal and Greece are in a different category..as compared to Northerners.. Then mambo ya UK... There is nothing tangible to talk about in the UK apart from the English language and over priced Range Rovers with steering on the right hand..the rest are just the same (or worse)as compared to Germany and the EU. So, Before you pack your bags; think, think and think again if it is worth it. Appreciate Africa. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:05:59 +0000

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