I understand that yesterday, the police felt compelled to do what - TopicsExpress


I understand that yesterday, the police felt compelled to do what their overlords had told them to do. They are only carrying out their job; they must realise though that their jobs will soon be under threat from this government and they will be looking for support of the public. They signed up to the police force to protect and serve the public not private corporations. I’m sure many of them have opinions on Shale gas extraction and fracking and I would hope that they at least privately oppose it, especially if they have their own family and be a little more patient with the protectors. Barton Moss Road is a private road owned by Peel Holdings, surely this is a civil matter not subject to the full police force. Even the police must realise that the level of cover yesterday was far excessive and out of proportion, there are less police at Old Trafford or the Etihad stadium on a Saturday dealing with 50,000+ supporters. There must have been 70 or more police for 20 protectors. On the subject of Football matches, the clubs have to pay for their police cover, are IGAS paying for this one? Always remember, THE EVENTUAL FAILURE RATE OF STEEL AND CONCRETE WELL LININGS IS PRECISELY 100%. Despite what the environmental agency have been told, the ground water WILL become contaminated at some point in the future, nobody knows when, even IGAS themselves. It could even happen immediately, the local disused mines are much closer to the shale and are directly connected to the aquifers, when IGAS say they are drilling 1000’s of feet down, remember the mines are also 1000’s of feet down, nobody knows what condition they are in, seismic disturbance on this scale could very easily cause collapse and local geological faults to slip causing earthquakes. Insurance companies are already looking into avoiding pay outs for damage to properties caused by this. IGAS are being less than transparent, they only have permission from Salford Council to explore the coal bed level but have been forced to admit now that they intend to explore further into the earth for the mother load, without further permission or Environmental impact assessment. Drilling further into the earth will produce Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) that they do not have a license for. Recently, NORM waste has been sent to Davyhulme water treatment plant from Blackpool where earthquakes stopped the fracking, the radioactive water was dumped into the Ship Canal. As stated, IGAS have only an exploratory license, eventually, they will apply for a license to FRACK; this is when the trouble will begin. Please stop this from becoming reality by calling for it to be banned, many European country’s including most recently Ireland have banned it. France has banned it although they are bankrolling companies trying to do it here in Britain.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 11:54:48 +0000

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