"I understand the mentality of a sheep, because I was the biggest - TopicsExpress


"I understand the mentality of a sheep, because I was the biggest sheep of them all. And because I am a competent “sheep psychologist,” I understand one thing: We do not have time to wake up most of our fellow human beings. Most of us are too engrained in the system, to hypnotized by the media and are absolutely stuck too far inside of their normalcy bias to wake up. We do not have 20 years to accomplish the task of waking up America. We do not have 20 months in my estimation. We need to save who we can, beginning with ourselves. A New Direction America, and the rest of the planet, are coming in for a planned crash landing. It is really time to brace for impact. Subsequently, I am refocusing my efforts away from waking up the sheep in order to identify pressing problems and talking about strategies that the awake among us can implement in an attempt to soften the crash landing that is coming, assuming that is possible. It is my sincere hope that by some miracle that we can indeed wake up all of the people. I would still speak to a VFW gathering about the NWO, but it will no longer be my emphasis. My focus is going to be on adaptation and survival because I no longer think that we can go from an aware 5-10% of the population to a vengeful majority in the time we have left. You Are the Resistance, Or Not For those who continue to ignore the rapidly encroaching tyranny, you chose to do so at your own peril. I look at my new emphasis on adaptation and survival as a form of political triage in which we have to save who we can, or as the saying goes, “don’t throw good money after bad.” Before one thinks that this is callous, please consider that the Bible has clearly warned about what happens to people who lack knowledge and the discernment of what to do with that knowledge. Twenty years ago, I thought we were in trouble in this country. Ten years ago, I went to knowing we were in trouble in this country. Today, there is no way that I can see that we can preserve the Republic given what is coming. However, we can prepare to survive and some of us might actually get through what is coming and be able to rebuild a society which will not succumb to the evil that we presently live under. It Is Time to Move Out of the Hen House The DHS, the military, most of our local police constitute the proverbial fox guarding our hen houses. Last fall, the fox guarding my hen house was licking his chops as he, in the form of DHS, purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers. They are the foxes and you are the chickens. The next several articles that I write will summarize the coming threats in a prioritized manner accompanied by solutions which can enhance survivability. In the meantime, I encourage all to pray for a miracle, because a miracle from God is the only hope that this Republic has left."
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 19:18:24 +0000

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