I used to believe no woman could rival Hilary Clintons propensity - TopicsExpress


I used to believe no woman could rival Hilary Clintons propensity for evil! Well, Diane Fienstein is challenging hard! Last weekend she published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal claiming the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented had the NSA surveillance programs been alive beforehand. “We would have detected the impending attack that killed 3,000 Americans.” I got news you despicable wretch - this notion is absurd! The Bush administration was warned of impending attacks weeks before - Russia, Germany, UK, France, even India! Secondly, since 9/11 was planned & executed by the Bush administration & the dual National Zionists who control it, any talk of how 9/11 could have been prevented is typical coming from a pathological liar like you! I will flat out say this - anyone who is a supporter of the NSA is either a complete idiot or someone who knows full well why the NSA was set up. The system we had before was perfectly fine. If there existed reasonable grounds for surveillance, a judge would grant a warrant permitting Police & FBI to conduct phone taps etc. What earthly reason would anyone have to want to indiscriminately spy on every citizen of the planet? In order to answer this question, one must initially ask who controls the US government & who was the brainchild behind the NSA? The answer to both questions is ZIONISTS! When arch Zionist Michael Chertoff was made head of US Homeland Securities, he put into motion a plan which would allow Zionists to spy, not simply to spy on Americans but everyone in the West! Why would American politicians want to spy on UK citizens? Answer - THEY DONT! Only the Dual National Zionists do. The fact is, thanks largely to Edward Snowden, it has become abundantly clear all the information the NSA gathers, automatically makes its way to Israel! Why do you think the media have painted such a dreadful picture of Snowden, when this brave gave up his life to reveal the truth? So why are they doing this? Dont Zionists control all mainstream media & so the flow of information? Answer - Yes but they never banked on one thing - the INTERNET! Since its advent, almost exponentially, people are discovering the truth about them & Israel, along with the outrageous influence powerful Jewish lobbies possess over Western politicians. This has served to encourage an ever-increasing number of folk to surf the net & discover very much more than the Zionist media ever let on! The JFK assassination, the attack on USS Liberty, their horrific treatment of the Palestinians, their role in setting up 9/11 which led to the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Egypt & Syria, their role in engineering bankings greatest fraud in history in 2008 & most importantly of all - THEIR LIES! The truth is gushing out like never before. As a result Israel is losing support hand over fist! Nevertheless, such is their control over Western politicians Israel has managed to maintain its agenda of smash & grab expansion! However this has come at a huge cost - the fact our politicians continue to unconditionally back Israel, there has been a stunning decline in our erroneous belief politicians act in our best interests. As a result the Dual National Zionists have been forced to rig elections, mainly in the US, though now the UK & France have too been targeted. Of course their mainstream media are very much part of the conspiracy to rig elections. This has all only served to wake more people up. MSM have been haemorrhaging viewers & as a result the Zionists have been pushed into a corner. Without America, Israel is completely screwed. All theyve done up to now is because America has covered their back! Worse still, if the US public en masse ever came to realize just how the Zionists have been using their country, then God only knows what the outcome could be. For sure the Israelis have to do everything they can to hide the fact so many Dual National Zionists were involved in setting up 9/11! This is mainly why the NSA exists - while Zionists still control America, under the guise of fighting a non-existent enemy called terrorism, they aim to discover exactly who is against them! This is why Chertoff also oversaw the building of 800+ state-of-the-art Fema Camps! I can promise you one thing - THEY WERENT BUILT TO STAY EMPTY! The NSA is the mechanism that could fill these camps up. I guarantee these camps will be filled by activists & truthers, especially the growing number of people calling for an independent investigation into 9/11. Incidentally 5 Israelis were caught filming the attack. As the planes hit the Towers they cheered deliriously so those nearby reported them to the Police. In their van explosives were found; they were arrested & even though they admitted, get this, THEY WANTED TO DOCUMENT THE ATTACKS, which means they had to have advance warning, they were freed & allowed to return to Israel. Guess who was responsible for this - MICHAEL CHERTOFF! Some investigation eh? Small wonder the Zionists are pushing for full steam ahead on the NSA, even though its destroying Americas standing in the world. This rat Feinstein not only wants your guns but also wants to pass new laws stating 9/11 truthers should be regarded as potential terrorists! Add to this CISPA is being revived, let me make one thing absolutely clear - if you dont by know know that their intention is to incarcerate &/or eliminate anyone opposed to them, then you could be in for a nasty surprise. But theyre encouraging the US public into resorting to violence. This is a battle we cannot win. It is therefore imperative violence remains very much the very last resort! However do everything & anything else to let these bastards know were on to them - letters, E-mails, the lot. Speak to those in the military. Let them know whats going on. Without the military it will be extremely difficult to turn this around! Do nothing, then you deserve whats coming. Make some bloody noise!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 18:02:09 +0000

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