I want our Democrats in the Senate to support and stand strong for - TopicsExpress


I want our Democrats in the Senate to support and stand strong for our Democratic Party core values: Quality public education Pre-K through college! I am sick and tired of DINOs such as most Democratic candidates who ran for congressional offices in 2014 who couldnt articulate, stand up for and run on the ACTUAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS OUR DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS from 2008 to 2010 OR ON PRESIDENT OBAMAs ACHIEVEMENTS! It is DINOSs that are driving our base away! It is DINOs who are the cause of the low voter turnout! DINOs confirm to voters that all that political candidates are really interested in is becoming career politicians beholden to big donors like millionaires, billionaires and corporations. DINOS confirm what is in the minds of many voters: That politicians are all scumbags and whores! That the system is fixed and that average voters dont count! If the Democratic Party wants to survive with LEGITIMACY in this post-Citizens United world, it needs to mean what it says and say what it means in its party platform about being a party that firmly upholds the basic premise of a government of, by and for the People that stands for the BULK of the American people; the bottom 90% of the population! The Party whose platform seeks to lift ALL boats. The Party for the Public Good! The Democrats and the Democratic Party need to resolve their schizophrenic conflict of wanting to have it both ways: Trying to tell the bottom 90% of American voters that Democrats best represent their interests when in fact, once elected, these Democratic politicians do the bidding of corporations, of Fortune 500 CEOs and of the millionaires and billionaires that donate to their campaigns! This is what is happening now. The 38% turnout in the 2014 elections and the resounding loss of so many Democratic candidates is proof the American people are fed up and are not buying it anymore! Stand up for the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. Support quality free public Pre-K thru college education or prepare to become extinct. Democrats who insist on being nothing more than moderate Republicans will LOSE! They will also be responsible for turning this country a plutocratic, oligarchic corporate-ocracy!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:49:08 +0000

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