I want to apologize to anyone that may think Im overdoing the - TopicsExpress


I want to apologize to anyone that may think Im overdoing the Religious messages. First, I am on a church mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints until December 2015. Second, we just finished General Conference meetings where we heard 10 hours (over two days) of inspiring and great talks by church leaders. Third, my life is so full of happiness and joy since I joined the Church I want every one to feel as happy as I do. Fourth, I have seen miraculous changes for the better in so many lives that I know without a doubt it saves lives. I sometimes feel like I am the town crier and people mistake me for the town fool because of my enthusiasm. (We all know the story about the only happy person is the town being the town idiot--but it is not always so) There used to be a law in the US regarding balanced reporting, where both sides of the story had to be told. But after 30 plus years of only hearing one side of the story, most of us dont want to hear or read about an opposing point of view. So we skip over posts without reading them. Maybe we are too busy, maybe we feel we already know the important facts, maybe we are afraid that if we read something we may become unfocused on our own path, we may even be afraid that we might become enraged by anothers point of view. For me I remain open minded and read as much as I can of everyones posts, even the political. I think it makes me a better person. I feel I understand myself, my faith, and others better. I read the posts by my Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, and agnostic friends. I read the political posts from all. I have a diverse group of friends, from a wide range of social economic and educational professional backgrounds. I learn from each of you, every time you post. Every political or religious post I read helps me to grow stronger in my faith and my understanding of humanity. I dont always believe or agree with the posts, but I always learn and grow because of them. Occasionally, I comment on some religious posts if my faith is either in agreement or disagreement with it. Recently there was a post that implied that God was silent during tests of faith. I couldnt help but feel so bad for anyone that thinks that is true. How can any faith, with any truth believe that? Ive been through some exceptionally hard times and God was never silent..but I have pushed him away and refused to listen as I lamented why is this happening to me? or because I was hearing the Adversaries voice telling me that God has abandoned you or God doesnt love you or any number of things that would make me feel alone. But God has never forgotten me and has always loved me. There are good things about all faiths, if you are happy and contented you must be where God wants you to be or needs for you to be. But if you arent happy and contented you probably are not where God needs and wants you to be. If your faith teaches hate, feeds fears and prejudices, tells you to avoid others of different faiths, and to not learn all you can all your life..thenI would tell you to run, not walk away from that faith. God may not like our sins, but he always loves us and is alway there. If you think you are alone, just open your heart and talk with him. He is our Loving Heavenly Father. I know that if you find the courage to listen to the church leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints you will discover the undeniable truth of Gods love and you will get the answer to your unasked and unanswered prayers. You will discover that your beliefs and ours are in harmony, especially so if your beliefs are not always in harmony with what other churches preach. Thanks for listening.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 23:20:58 +0000

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