I want to comment on something, but I dont want to come across as - TopicsExpress


I want to comment on something, but I dont want to come across as insensitive or inappropriate -so if I offend anyone with this, its not my intention, but its something thats weighed heavily on my heart for the last few days ..... Like many of you, I grew up watching Robin Williams and am saddened by his tragic loss, but there is a part of me that is having a very difficult time trying to comprehend the double standard in terms of how a typical person and a celebrity would be treated in this situation. Yes, Robin Williams was an amazingly talented man, who brought so much joy into peoples lives and gave so much to this world, but so did two of my friends who also took their own lives. Not once have I heard the terms selfish or coward used in reference to how Mr. Williams died. Its hurtful because I know just how much my friends gave to their families and their communities, but many of the wonderful things that they did in their lifetime were disregarded and forgotten about because of how they died. So I guess Im having a hard time understanding why its a forgivable act and why people are able to see mental illness in a different light when it affects someone with fame or power opposed to the average person. I can tell you that for those left behind to mourn their loss, theres no difference at all and it hurts all the same.... I remember sitting in the procession at Jason Jordans funeral and a woman yelled out of her car window I hope you rot in hell. I have to wonder if that same woman would have done the same had the hearse been plated in gold or if it carried the body of a beloved actor. I dont know, this whole thing has just really stirred up a few unsettled emotions and maybe opened a wound or two.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 00:06:01 +0000

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