I want to share Ch. #23 from Weak Made Strong, titled: - TopicsExpress


I want to share Ch. #23 from Weak Made Strong, titled: Reflections As I have awakened over the years and found my wholeness indeed exists, my intention currently is to share with you how the releasing of negative energy from my mind and body brought about peace in my life. It is very common for most people to be in a state of negative emotional and mental overload that depletes our health and creates imbalances. The most common term for this energy is stress. I believe from experience that real healing is a spiritual process that leads you to your true self – naturally and gracefully. Since our minds are more powerful than our feelings, it all had to begin mentally. I took charge of my life by taking charge of my thoughts, no matter how I felt physically or emotionally, I was free mentally to think any thought of my choice. Instead of trying to control every morsel or calorie I put in my body, I began controlling every thought. As humans, we have been trained from birth to listen to our feelings and therefore create thoughts that match our feelings. If we are thinking negative, we will physically feel the results of those thoughts. I could not start feeling and seeing my reflection in a more positive light until I began paying attention to what I thought about myself. Remember every time you look in the mirror and verbalize, “I am fat, ugly, worthless, and don’t deserve this or that, or you can’t do this or that, or you are less important than someone or something”, your emotional state of well-being responds accordingly and spreads like wild fire throughout your whole body. It’s like a domino effect for more insecurities and instilled false, negative beliefs about who you are. “Our bodies are our vehicles and it’s virtually impossible to have inner freedom as long as you perceive your body as your true self.” I now know that we each have our own reality and it is created by whatever we have our attention on and by our individual perceptions. I had to make a conscious, verbal choice that I would become a positive thinker. Through my own personal intentions and efforts and the grace of God, I was able to turn my weakness into strength. As I continue my pursuit of changing my life patterns of struggle, I noticed that, in the past, my familiar state was to feel sorry for myself and blame anyone and everyone for the dysfunction in my life. I liked believing I was a victim who had learned to be a survivor and that my circumstances and addictions were beyond my control. I put the blame on my childhood experiences and the injustices done to me. So, I took on the challenge to take ownership of my life and quit playing the, “woe is me card.” I had to stop blaming my parents, perpetrators, and everything outside of me for the problems in my life. By identifying and clearing the negative events and beliefs I held in my subconscious mind, I was able to see how I was the one creating all the negative experiences by replaying the hurts and injustices over and over in my head, like an annoying overly showed commercial. Could it be possible that it was my own personal perception that made my body my enemy - weak, vulnerable, and treacherous, worthy of the hate invested in it? We do this to a shell that really has no significant meaning. I believe what makes the body so amazing is the hands that created it. We were fearfully and wonderfully made with God’s special plans in mind for us, the dwelling home of the Holy Spirit. Living with an eating disorder, I was locked in a separate prison, removed and unreachable, incapable of reaching out as well as being reached. As much as I hated this particular prison, I had the choice to destroy, I couldn’t as I was too comfortable holding onto it. I didn’t know how to escape from it or the guilt and shame held upon it. Encompassed by my body, I was shut off from others, kept apart from them, and them from me. Could it be possible that it is deceit from our own minds, where the distorted view of ourselves exists, that makes us think we must hate our body? It is apparent the displaced guilt toward the body must come from a flaming target from the attacking mind’s thoughts; for our bodies cannot be hateful or ashamed on their own, it can do nothing of itself. A mind that cannot really attack, but it can throw the arrows and direct the body to act them out. But it will never be our bodies that give us satisfaction, for our own minds attack the body and constantly project lie after lie upon it and there we are, left separated from our identity through these fantasies produced from our minds. Our perception of our body stems from a delusional view which conflicts with how God sees us. We cannot change its function or purpose, what God created is only what He would have it be, so how dare we use the body as the scapegoat for induced pain and self-destruction. If you’re sick and tired of the life you are experiencing, believing the lie that you are, “no good and that you can never get it right, that you have to keep fighting those inner demons”, STOP and START focusing on the life that you do want, as if it were already happening. It is your free will to think any thought and feel any feeling you choose. This is the most powerful tool you have to change your life. Stop thinking that if you worry and focus on what you don’t want, believing that is the way to fix it, you are fooling yourself. It is not beneficial to blame the circumstances of your past that brought you to this battle; it’s all uphill from here. You can choose to continue carrying around a bag of bricks or let go of the bricks so you can feel good and know true joy and happiness. Christ has told us that, “when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may be purified even as he is pure.” And when I passed by you and saw you struggling in your own blood, I said to you in your blood, “Live! Yes, I said to you in your blood, live! “I made you thrive like a plant in the field and you grew, matured, and became very beautiful. Your breasts were formed, your hair grew, but you were naked and bare. When I passed by you again and looked upon you, indeed your time was the time of love; so I spread my wing over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I swore an oath to you and entered a covenant with you and you became mine,” Says the Lord God. “I am not just a body, I am free, I am perfect just as God created me”, I believe I am getting to know that part of me now” Just think if the negative, hurtful beliefs you have about yourself were really true, you wouldn’t feel negative emotions about them. The only reason you’d feel a negative emotion when someone says something hurtful or you tell your reflection in the mirror you’re fat, ugly, stupid, or worthless. The only logical reason for that negative emotion to surface is simply that it is very uncomfortable to exist in a lie. The negative emotion is your warning sign that what you are currently hearing, believing, or thinking is a lie. By continuing to think it and believe it, you will feel worse and more torn down about yourself. In the very moment of noticing this happening, immediately change what you are thinking from the negative to positive. If you are thinking, “I am fat and ugly”, change it to, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” I have faith that you, too, can have control of your well-being and life as you practice plugging in the truth of God’s word with the lies of the world. Your picture of the world can only mirror what is within you and there is a point beyond which illusions cannot go. Our ego and society tell us that we must be this or that, look as though, act as if, and the idle wish to fit into the world we see, only creates barriers of grievances that darken our minds as we look upon an already darkened world. The ego can also look at the reflection of self in the mirror and, with firmness and quiet certainty, tell you attacking negative affirmations that you aren’t quite good enough yet - “just a few more pounds, if only my hair were blonde/straight/curly, if I were taller/shorter, if this and if that, then I’d be happy with who I am.” You see my point. Our insidious upside down perception of ourselves has ruined our natural state. You may have only been seeing yourself as a body, as the truth outside of “who you really are”, locked away from your inner beauty, by the body’s limitations. Let’s look at ourselves in a new light of truth that is from our creator. I believe it is good to take care of our earthly bodies with nurture and love by eating healthy and exercising, but it is not our physical body’s appearance that should be such a concern. To see our self as separate from the body and present with our spirit is to end the attack we have on ourselves. The mind can only be made free when it no longer sees itself as in a body, firmly tied to it and sheltered by its presence. Do not for one instance believe the world is apart from your mind, recognize that your thoughts about yourself, people, and the world all stem from your mind and you can gain control over your life by filtering them. Our minds are the mechanism of decision and this is where all the attack and sickness lies and waits to destroy its creator. Do you believe an eating disorder, drug addiction, habit, obsession, self-destructive vice is successful in shielding you? Disease and destruction is a decision, it’s not just something that randomly happens, unsought, which makes you weak and brings you suffering. It is a choice you make when the world, as you perceive it, appears to totter off balance and seem unmanageable.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:31:52 +0000

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