I want to take a min. to ask a huge favor of all of you my mom - TopicsExpress


I want to take a min. to ask a huge favor of all of you my mom and her sisters really could use some prayers right now a few weeks ago we lost my grandmother Starry and it has been a very rough time for them trying to figure out how to go on without having Grandma Starry around to be able to call or to be able to have in their lives I know grandma Starry will always be in their hearts and she will always be in heaven watching over them but I know that mom and aunt Kathy and Aunt Linda and Aunt Peggy could really use their friends and family to help them by being there as a shoulder if they need it (emotionally) or to just to let them know that they are thought of and cared for and that how ever they choose to grieve and how ever long it takes that we all of their family and friends will be here for them not matter what no matter how long it takes we all will be here for them my wife Cindy lost her parents (her father in 1998 and her mother in 2005) and I have seen first hand that even though you cannot change time and go back and bring our loved ones back that just knowing that others are there for you is a big help and can make all the difference in the world i know that through my struggles in life (my Bi polar disorder and my depression as well as my other serious medical issues) they all have stood by me even when i know i have made it almost impossible to want to be around me trust me i know through the years i have been a challenge to say the least but they never gave up on me even when i gave up on myself and when i have wanted to throw in the towel i just want to say from the bottom of my heart that i love all of you and that i am here for you all always and i know that with the support and love of their family and friends that we can shoulder some of the pain and emotional burden because we all love and care for them very much and we want them to know that they are never ever alone I love you all very much from the bottom of my heart thank you one and all for being there for mom and my aunts and for keeping Grandma Starrys spirit and memories alive
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:57:14 +0000

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