I want to tell you the rest of the story I found out this year - TopicsExpress


I want to tell you the rest of the story I found out this year that was my blood sister she told me this year that my mother never loved me and if I ever expected her to tell me that she love me Ill be waiting for the rest of my life what type of sister what tell another sister something that would hurt her that much. that would tear a hole in her heart that much this is supposed to be my sister but Im going to tell you all right now I dont have a sister I hate her with every breath I take because she is done horrible things to me that they dont even that she dont want them to know.I moved to where I moved to right now because Im no longer love them I dont want them in my life who would want to be around somebody who tell you that their mother never loved you. so I moved away because Im tired of the pain and headaches I was tired of being emotionally abused I have been emotionally abused by this family almost all my life and Im tired of it they sit back and act like theyre so damn innocent but there not the person that they have destroyed his meat all my life you all I have been through hell I have a sister who slept with my boyfriends it didnt matter which boyfriend I hate she wanted to jump your bones I said long time ago I should have whooped her ass and I didnt and Im sorry that I didnt I hadhey uncle who came to my house and brought a guy to help me it ended up breaking the glass Black Panther picture instead there and act like he didnt do it but he did do it.so we had to come back another time to supposedly fixed the mom my picture but the guys is really did it he never even showed up but let me tell you what happened he came to my new place where I live tell me he was going to come and fix it and I and he said that he was going to spend the night and I really didnt want him to spend the night at my house because I knew the disrespect that he has been giving me lately even though he helped me move and did all of this the price I had to pay for him helping me was uncalled for but when he came to my house he disrespected me he talked to me like I was s*** and then asked me what my problem was one to tell you what my problem was I am sick and tired of this family talking to me like Im a dog like Im supposed to be in your f****** leftovers like I was supposed to kiss your ass Im not kissing your ass no more.he when he got done I told him to get the f*** out of my house and dont come back and thats what I meant hes been calling my house I dont want to talk to nobody that dont love me or respect me now I give you a heads up on here he SAT there and came to my house when they knocked on my door when I lived in Kansas City he came to my door beating on the door I thought it was the police but he won the police it was my uncle he came in my door huffing and puffing and accusing me of sleeping with one of his friends can you believe that he came to my house and accuse me of sleeping with one of his friends and then check this out his friend is married and I asked him why in gods name would you think I would do something like that he couldnt give me an answer for that but hes going to tell me somebody else that he knew told him but because of where I lived because of where I live Im supposed to be f****** you in that something in a strange I have been accused of f****** my uncle friend I know youre all like oh my god yeah Ive been through hell and back and there is so much more but if I told you anymore you would think you would think that some of these people should have been locked the f*** up but they wasnt I am sick and tired of this family now I can tell you in front of all the people in this world and on Facebook and anybody that actually gives a damn about me tell them to leave me alone Im almost ready to go to the nut house Im almost ready to be breakdown I am reaching out to each and everyone of you to pray for me to keep my sanity because Im tired of him calling my house I dont answer my phone I dont want to talk to nobody does that even remotely I have to deal with they said the truth will set me free Ive got so much truth I got so much trouble I know they talk about me behind my back I know that thats no joke Im being honest with you and if that aint enough if they everything that they didnt done to me anymore youre not about to blow your mind again they tried to turn my own grandchildren against me they lied to my grandchildren about me telling them that I didnt love him and didnt want them around me yes can you believe that they did that my babys mom babies is not tell you this Im crying because I am so full of pain I am so full of hurt my grandson came to me and told me my grandson came to me and told me my own mother told him that I didnt love him that I didnt want him around me and then I didnt give a damn about him can you believe that s*** she told my grandson that s*** not only my grandson he tried to turn my children against me since theyve been born on this planet my children and my grandchildren so is that live this life Im living it alone I have nobody but Jesus Christ so I ask you to pray for me to give me the strength stick get up each and every day and I get hurt on my job so Im not able to work a full time job so Im kind of partially disabled right now I know yall didnt know that but yall know now Im partially disabled I moved in this house September the second and I had a lot of work to do on it and Im in a lot of pain because I didnt have Medicaid I didnt have money I didnt have too much of anything and do you know nobody came to help me put this house together they never come to help me I had to do it on my own they knew I was hurtin they knew I was in pain and not one of them volunteered to come and help.I know youre shocked that Im telling you all of this two nights ago I tried to in my whole entire life because of the pain in the heart that Im going through but I know if I tried to do anything to myself I could never go to heaven and I want to go to heaven I want to see Jesus so the only way to try to deal with this its to let you all know if you think what Ive said to you is bad you havent even heard half of it I got another one for you my sister told me on the same day that she told me that my mother never loved me told me that the reason my family dont get together on holidays list because of me and I set there and I was like what what what are you saying it and I said explain that and she said because when Christmas time came and they were married with their husbands and happy and live in nice and everything well because I didnt have the same type of money that they have almost single woman with 4 children 2 girls and 2 boys so I was basically my money was keeping a roof over our head food in our stomachs clothes on my kids is back shoes on their feet and trying to pay light gas water and rent but because I couldnt spend the same amount of money they children or even get them anything they stop getting together on the holidays can you believe that I was 20 something years old trying to take care of for children and myself and I dont blame me this is the type of family that I have instead of saying oh my god lets help her with anything let me put my arms around her and show her that we love her know they want to blame me for every damn thing that happens in their life its my fault I think what it is I look like my daddy and nobody gave a f*** about my daddy help me out at my daddys gone its about f*** with Reyna make her life miserable f*** her up make everything in her life just fall apart when you can know what you guys thats what the f*** you doing can you believe it if I told you the other horrible things that have happened to me since I was a little girl 5 years old you would cry Ive been through hell since what 5 years old and look what old I am now everything that Ive told you has happened to me Ive had to go see psychiatrist you know you ever feel like when you growing up in and you feel that there is something wrong and you couldnt understand what it was but it was there you felt it but you just couldnt explain it well all of this time I knew that there was something wrong in my life and I couldnt figure out what it is why things keep happening to me why why my family would backstab me I couldnt understand it you know but I get it now I get it now my mother didnt love me I knew it I couldnt explain it I was a little girl but you know you since you feel you feel these things when when you are not loved and you feel out of place like theyre not your family like youre just an outsider sitting here watching everything just go around you my sister she makes it seem like shes all this but that b**** stole stuff from me she brought people into my sons life when I asked her not to do it iif only you knew if only you knew the things the pain that I have been going through I figured that I thought it would get better but it hasnt get better it just gotten worse Ive had to endure it for so damn long there is a there is a son that I love so very much that has been told nothing but lies but I have done everything humanly possible to try to tell him the truth but when you grow up and you got a person like my mother in your life youre not going to see the truth youre not going to know the truth but I tell you one thing I hope one day that God let him know that all that to my mother told him was a lie I ask each and every person out there that can hear the sound of my voice and listen to what I have said to pray for me I dont know anymore I take it one day at a time now my heart is so broke up into a million pieces I dont think I can put it back together the pain I feel is overwhelming me theres times I cant sleep because I keep replaying this whole situation and why I am so far away why Im so far away too happy to have some sanity one more thing before I leave you uncle kept telling people that he bought a house for me and that was a lie and he kept telling is lie to a be I begin to think that he believes this lie it doesnt matter who he talks to it doesnt matter who hes around he keeps throwing up in peoples face that he bought a house for me and thats a lie because I didnt even know that he bought a house plus the house in in is I wouldnt move from this house because I didnt kiss his ass and stay in that house instead of moving here he goes and tells people that he bought the house for me and I have asked him so many times to stop lying on me this is what Im saying when I tell you thats all they want to do is lie on me I had to come this far to get away from this bullshit and its tearing me apart inside I have nobody that I can hold you hug are to hug me. so I ask you as you read this that I have posted please take your time and think about how blessed you really are that you are not living the lies that I have been living almost all of my life and that youre not in the pain that Im in and you do have children who love you and want to be with you and not steal from you not lie on you not manipulate shes not deceive you but love you be thankful be thankful
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 01:26:33 +0000

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