I want to thank Karen’s Uncle Mike DeVita for making the - TopicsExpress


I want to thank Karen’s Uncle Mike DeVita for making the arrangements for me to see my first New York Broadway Musical. I have been to New York four times in my life, 1964 World’s Fair, two baseball games, and transfer from one flight to another. In addition to more times than I can count driving the 18 wheeler through town, and would really like to forget that nightmare. So I really didn’t feel need to go to New York again EVER! Mike coordinates bus trips to different places several times of the year. He takes a lot of time making sure of all of the details are right, so everyone has a great time. Last Christmas was my first trip of his and we saw the Christmas show at the America Music Theatre in Lancaster Pa. I really enjoyed it because it isn’t one of those things I would do normally. Karen asked me if I wanted to take his bus trip to New York for Christmas. The first thought I had was, how do I tap-dance my way out of this one. I was honest, and said the only thing I might consider would be to see a show on Broadway. A couple of days later Karen answers her cellphone, and hands it to me says “Uncle Mike wants to talk to you”. He asks me what do I like the most Disney, witches, revolution or gangsters. My responds was “gangsters I guess” and he said he will take care of it. I get off the phone and asked Karen what was that about? She had told him I had never been to a Broadway musical, and he was going to make sure I saw one. Mike bought us tickets to see Chicago The Musical. Saturday morning we met the bus with everyone else at 7 AM, and off we go. The first stop was the restaurant for lunch. The restaurant was french and called the LE RIVAGE. $25 3 course meal. you had the choice of 11 different appetizers, 15 dinners to choose. I had the Country Style Pâté for my appetizer. The meal was Calf Liver “Petit Salé” Sautéed with Bacon and Onions. all I can says about lunch was WOW!! After lunch we headed to the theater, and it was raining. Karen took her “hey everybody I am a tourist” Baltimore Oriole umbrella, and I was the manly man who got wet. I wasn’t sure what to expect, since the last musical I had actually seen was West Side Story (the Movie) in middle school. Mike bought us REALLY nice seats. The music and dancing was great along with the actors and actresses. There was an actress who had a set of six pack abs that put every guy on the stage to shame. The only issue we had was when Karen wasn’t exactly sure where we were supposed to meet the bus, and when it was leaving. It was absolutely pouring at this point and we had to travel about 8 blocks to get back. She was worried that Uncle Mike would leave us there if we didnt get back in time.At one point during our trip back, I was thinking at the time it would have been nice to be King Kong. I could have carried her to the top Empire State Building like Faye Wray, and say “oops” when she slipped out of my hand. In the end Keith and Karen’s trip to a New York Broadway musical was great. Would I go again? Yes, but it would depend on the show. If any of you Facebook friends that might be interested going along for the next trip. Let me know you won’t regret it.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 14:10:58 +0000

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