I wanted to share my Uncles Story about taking Thrive.... Please - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share my Uncles Story about taking Thrive.... Please read. My Thrive experience started with notification by my Niece that I was getting a Thrive Sampler kit. I had seen the Niece’s post on Facebook about how she and her Husband was doing on Thrive. The energy, the mental focus, etc. With 4 kids…. 3 under the age of 5…. I thought it was great that they found something to give them the energy to keep up with their youngsters. And she wanted to share it with me! When the kit arrived, what caught my attention the most was a note from my Niece saying she wanted me to try Thrive…. She wanted to keep me around for a while. Ok! I’m 63, and what the Doctors call “Morbidly Obese.” Since I retired in Jan. 2014, my ‘normal day’ was sleeping until about 8am, getting up, feeding my cat, then sitting at my computer desk or on the couch on my computer or watching TV. I eat lunch about 12ish… take a nap around 2pm, and go back to watching TV until bedtime. On occasion, I would get out with my Grandkids, and afterward, need a day or so to recover. I was usually always tired… and sleepy. I’ve been on Thrive now for about 2 months. I take my pills, do my daily morning routine, come back and drink my shake, slap on my patch, and I’m ready for the day! 1, 2, 3, simple, simple, SIMPLE!! The first thing I noticed was when I wake up in the morning. Now, instead of dragging myself out of bed and being groggy for until finally being “awake”… I now wake up, FULLY ALERT, and Ready for the Day! That “Mental Focus” factor is just amazing! Secondly, where before I was usually always tired. Just moving around with my weight was tiring! With Thrive, all it takes to get something done is to THINK about it…. And DONE! I can do laundry, vacuum and still go out a play with the Grandkids… usually without the need for a nap afterwards! There is no “ZOOM!” of energy, as with some sports/energy drinks, OR the “crash” when it wears off. There’s just a steady, readily available energy, to do everything I think of doing. I also use to wake up with my first thought being, “What’s going to hurt, Today?” My “normal” aches of an active childhood, and US ARMY Paratrooper come with an “ouch here and an ouch there.” With Thrive, along with waking up Alert, I do not wake up with my legs or back complaining about being old! What a joy it is waking up without something hurting! I haven’t really noticed any weight loss, after all, I am very large… but I have noticed my clothes are getting roomier, and I needed a new (shorter) slot on my belt to hold my trousers up! While I KNOW I’m losing weight and inches…. I just don’t see it yet…. I’m having too much fun being out with my Grandkids and getting things done! T
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:22:01 +0000

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